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Thread: NAVHDA Chapter Interest

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Close to the line

    NAVHDA Chapter Interest

    I tried a similar thread a few years ago and didn't get a great response. But with all the members who have versatile dogs now, I thought it might be worth another try.

    The closest North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA) chapters are in Alberta and Oregon. I contacted NAVHDA awhile back and they said if there was enough interest, they would open a chapter in BC.

    If anyone is interested in joining and participating in a local NAVHDA chapter, let me know and I will collect names and contact info until we have enough members to start a chapter.
    I don't mind doing the initial legwork to get this going, but would appreciate if anyone else wanted to help organize this on an ongoing basis.

    NAVHDA is a great organization and they offer plenty of opportunities for attending events, training and testing for members. It's also a chance to meet and train with other versatile owners and their dogs - which is not only fun, but a great way to meet new hunting partners and find new places to hunt.

    Here is a link to their website have a look at it and if you are interested in joining, get in touch with me.

    This is open to everyone, whether you have owned versatiles since they were invented, or you just got your first pup.
    To warm barrels and cold noses

  2. Site Sponsor

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: NAVHDA Chapter Interest

    i am intrested was to 2 navhada tests in washinton and 2 in origon 16 years ago would be nice if bc had a chapter i would for sure take my new pup, it is a greate organization for the guys and gals that want to see just what there pups and gun dogs have got they just judge and evaluate your pup or dog not against any others Good luck hope you can get going

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: NAVHDA Chapter Interest

    I'd be interested! I've let my training slide lately and a club would definitely keep me on track. I wish there was a NAVHDA chapter around here a couple years ago when I got my pup.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    PoCo B.C.

    Re: NAVHDA Chapter Interest

    Well If i had a dog i'd love to join in, as this is the style of gun dog i'd get. Perhaps someday there will be a griffon in my house.

    Good luck . i hope u get it off the ground

  6. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Ain't tellin'

    Re: NAVHDA Chapter Interest

    Well, first of all, what exactly do they mean by enough interest? How many people are needed? Did they provide a clue?

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Close to the line

    Re: NAVHDA Chapter Interest

    Quote Originally Posted by nolimits View Post
    Well, first of all, what exactly do they mean by enough interest? How many people are needed? Did they provide a clue?
    Minimum 10 members to start a chapter. I would like to have a little cushion on that so it doesn't fall apart - so I'm thinking 12 or 15 would do it.
    To warm barrels and cold noses

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: NAVHDA Chapter Interest

    i'd be very interested. i get my pup in 3 weeks!!!!

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: NAVHDA Chapter Interest

    Definitely would be something i would want to learn more about.

    Interested in a WPG or a DD, currently have labs,

    Wondering how working with labs would be accepted?

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Close to the line

    Re: NAVHDA Chapter Interest

    Quote Originally Posted by xfactor View Post
    Definitely would be something i would want to learn more about.

    Interested in a WPG or a DD, currently have labs,

    Wondering how working with labs would be accepted?
    I think one of the requirements is pointing -

    Here is a list of recognized breeds taken from the NAVHDA website -

    BI Bracco Italiano
    BA Braque D’auvergneBB Braque Du BourbonnaisBF Braque FrancaisBS BrittanyCF Cesky FousekDP Drentsche PatrijshondES English SetterFP French SpanielGL German Longhaired PointerGS German Shorthaired PointerGW German Wirehaired PointerGO Gordon SetterIR Irish Red & White SetterIS Irish SetterLM Large MunsterlanderPS Picardy SpanielPT PointerPO Portuguese PointerPP PudelpointerSH Slovakian Wirehaired PointerSM Small MunsterlanderSP SpinoneST StichelhaarVI VizslaWM WeimaranerGR Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
    WV Wirehaired Vizsla
    To warm barrels and cold noses

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Hope & Tulameen

    Re: NAVHDA Chapter Interest

    Oh well, guess that leaves me and my Duck Toller out.

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