With the dump of snow, need for sleep, I didn't get out yesterday but my dog was going off his head and I wanted to get him out today. Made a stop over at field marshal's place last night for a BS session and we decided to go out for a shoot this morning to give the dog a chance to fetch up some birds.

It was a dark morning surprisingly with all the snow on the ground and the birds didn't really start moving around until 9:00am. We saw many flocks of geese but non that were interested in stopping they just kept going on.

The morning started off great and we just couldn't miss until I made the comment that we have been doing great on shells at that point we must have had 8 birds and every shot counted. Field Marshall even pulled off a triple using his 20 gauge pump.

Then it began, 3 shots for one bird, two shots for one bird, 3 shots no bird. Not sure if it was overconfident or just caught off guard as they did a fly by with no warning. Some great shots were made and some "Lorne & Kyle" shots were made. We ended up limiting out around 11:00am with 12 drake and 4 hen mallards. The dog had lots of fun and exercise.

Oh that reminds me, Lorne & Kyle, not sure which one of you decided to empty your colon in the field last weekend but one of you owes me a bottle of dog shampoo and Field Marshal an apology for not digging a hole and burying it!