during Bow season , Youth can Bow hunt ...
Perhaps my neck is too red to see past the end of my nose ...but i still fail to see the need for a youth only season ... If you are gonna take a kid out ...take a kid out ..why does it only need to be between this date and that date ..extend the general season to include the current youth dates, the kid is licenced for anterless anyway ...
alot of jurisdictions have no overlap in GOS and Archery only seasons simply because of the safety factor .... (dont take the wrong way and before ya'll git yer panties in a bunch I will explain) Its been documented that some "hunters" will shoot at a sound or bush movement (basically shoot first ask questions later ...) Its been known to happen (no body can deny that fact) I think it was in 2006 maybe 2005 some guy was packing a decoy in Alberta (wearing blaze at the time I might add, which is not required, granted it was a Hi Vis vest so the sides werent totally visible) out to his tree stand on crown land NW of Calgary and was shot for his efforts by a New Hunter in the side abdomen(he was packing a Comman-doe under his arm . the New hunter made a stament to the police that he was excited to see a deer and shot it (with a 30-06 at 125 yrds)

that there is the very reason why i stated that I somewhat Agree with the "pointed question" ...had the shooter been an "expirianced" hunter that did that I wouldve said strongly agree.