As I prepared to wander back from the snowy middle of the Province (Merritt) upon completing my final shift of the season, I called a Buddy down in Vancouver.

He informed me that the weather was fine down that way, and invited me to wander out for a pheasant hunt with his new pup if I had the time to spare.
Time to spare??

One of the finest things in life for me has been working with a good dog for upland game.
It is something that I VERY MUCH MISS, and I certainly wasn't going to pass this opportunity up!

Made the dash down the Coq - horrible driving conditions!
That shot rock they use as "sand" literally destroyed my windshield to the point a new one is going in on Monday.

Got to Ken's pl;ace and enjoyed a very fine chicken dinner off the BarBee.

The next day was one of those rare "Bluebird" fall days.
Nary a breath of wind, warm and sunny.
Perfect for our intended foray!

We loaded up the boat, and soon we were running up the mighty Fraser to our destination.

Ken's male Spring pup "Gauge" is but 5.5 months old, but certainly knew what was up as we worked towards the hunting fields:
