It's been a while since I posted up a hunting story. I haven't really been out hunting this Spring other than some scouting which for the most part usually just turns into "camping with a rifle" and messing around with HAM radio stuff. I have been quite discouraged with the hunting close to home with all the access closures. I was able to find some spots with a bit of sign here any there, nipped grass and such, just enough to take the rifle for the odd walk.

Figured I better start finding some good areas in Region 3 and learning them rather than spending a bunch of time scouting Region 2. All the leg work gets undone really fast when you do find a place and then a gate goes up. Might as well take advantage of the extra 15 days of bear hunting Region 3 has to offer.

Headed out Friday afternoon and spent the rest of the day scouting the first area of interest. Not much in the way of sign. Some grass hits here and there, mostly older, along with some 2-3 week old scat piles. Hunkered down for the night and we decided to explore another area the next day.

Next morning we head out to the next area of interest, only about 14km as the crow flies but about an hour of driving. Started seeing quite a bit of scat on the road up which seemed promising. Found a good place we'd call camp for the night whether this spot was viable for bear hunting or not. I was able to hit all sorts of repeaters on the radio, so worst case I could geek out on the radio that night.

We walk a few km's in one direction. Some fresh grass hits, couple piles of scat maybe 5 days old. Back to camp. Walk a few km's in another direction, tons of fresh hits on the grass and some 2-3 day old scat piles. Finally, back to camp again, then walk a few kms in another direction. Same deal, fresh hits on the grass and scat piles. This is what I always look for in a bear hunting spot. A place to camp within a few kms of multiple feeding pockets with fresh sign to poke in and out of.

No bears spotted yet, but I am confident we will see something. It's not a question of IF there is a bear around, but is it more or less than a half dozen. Bonus we're seeing tons of wildlife in the mean time.
