Buddy and I went out for afternoon hunt into a good local area.right away I start seeing deer. Whitetails and there are bucks with the does,it's lookin good we said to each other. Another herd of whitey does spotted so stopped to look if buck was of any size(just looking as was private lands). So local landowner stops to chat as passing by. Great guy and our talk was terrific with him telling of this big Mullie buck he seen cross couple days before just stones throw from us. Cool. The herd left while we were yapping lol We continued on wards to check couple our spots seeing lil dink bucks with the does but no big guys.....hmmmmm weird. As we heading back to go to a different area we were passing same area as where the whitie herd was sure enough they were out again,but no buck this time. Moving on to next field I spot deer,mullies. One two....ninedoes and a buck. The four point told about. He has the nose to the grindstone doing his thing and the girls are all giddy lol. Then ALL hell breaks loose!!