IBEP is not about media or public perception. Most that take their CORE are youth, and it is often our first exposure to many hunting related topics. (granted nothing beats being mentored by Dad)

IBEP is about enhancing our skills as hunters.

If all hunters, who choose at some point to hunt with a bow, had an IBEP course behind them, they would likely make better choices in the field and enjoy a more rewarding encounter.

If IBEP were mandatory to using a bow, there would be less archery related enforcement issues, which would in turn reduce negative exposure we currently face.

If all bowhunters and prospective bowhunters took it upon themselves to secure an IBEP course, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

It isn't about whether it's mandatory or not, it's about enhancing skills that lead to a better experience. Now why would an outdoor sportsman not be interested in a simple 2 day course for a nominal fee?

FYI many jurisdictions require IBEP to bowhunt.

It isn't about creating more regulation that restricts hunter involvement.