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Thread: The 40 minute pepperoni bear

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  1. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: The 40 minute pepperoni bear

    Yes I emptied my quiver.

    short version of the story.

    Got within 50yds of a good 6pt. The bull was standing just over the crest of a hill( and due to some small brush ) so I couldn’t see his lower legs. He finally turned giving me a shot at his lh side, very slight quartering away. Arrow looked like it was perfect but it went low. Thought I missed but the bull took off across the cut block like a rocket. Bull made it 30yds when I hear a loud crack and the bull suddenly does a face plant almost causing him to flip over. Split second later the bull is up but now his right leg( elbow down ) is swinging like it completely broken. Chase the bull through the block into the Christmas trees thinking he’s into the next block. Bust through the 15yd strip of trees and can’t see the bull in the block. I hear something in the Christmas trees and I see his antlers above a few small trees. Caught up to him in the trees. He’s quartering pretty hard away but I’ve got a 18” target to hit at 15yds. Just as I start to release the shot the bull spins left. Arrow now sticking out of his right hind. Bull goes another 30-40yds and I hear a loud crash. Find the bull lying down at the bottom of a very small hill. He’s looking at me and seems fine. He try’s to get up but is having issues due to his right front leg. Due to how he was lying I had no shot at his vitals. I tried a shot at his neck from 8yds, hit a branch and the arrow went over his neck by inches. This caused the bull to move enough to get an arrow into his chest but it was pretty high. The bull somehow jumped up and lunged towards me causing me to run. A few seconds later I walk back and the bull is perfectly broad side but is behind some brush. Knowing he’s wounded I took the shot. Bull moved foreword a few feet giving me a perfect unobstructed shot. The bull went 15yds and finally died. Craziest 15min of elk hunting I’ve ever experienced.

    i think my range finder picked up a branch/bush 10-15yds in front of the bull. So my first shot went 18” low grazing his right knee partially severing the main tendon.
    2nd shot went into the right hind when he spun
    3rd shot missed
    4th shot went below the spine but didn’t hit the top of the lungs
    5th shot hit a rib caused the arrow to not penetrate
    6th shot was perfect double lung
    Last edited by j270wsm; 10-19-2020 at 09:09 AM.

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