the Internet has made it so easy to become a hunter nowadays. it took me years of packing to learn what to bring and what not to bring, but I kepted going, when I did get a sheep, all the hard work and trial and error paid off. now we have fourms that people ask what to bring, what to eat, where to go. I personally do not give advise on anything, call me old school or a dick, but that's what it takes to be a sheep hunter. I've packed the wrong food, starved, had the runs, ran out of water, packed a case of beer one time, froze to death, had blisters so bad I couldn't walk for two days and had a hell of a time walking out, Ran into a grizzly bear on a kill. just to name a few of my unsuccessful trips. I never asked anyone where to go and if I did it would have been sent to zipper lip creek.