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Thread: Saskatchewan Goose Hunt 2018

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    guest Guest

    Saskatchewan Goose Hunt 2018

    Well another year of travel to our neighbour province of Saskatchewan for a Goose hunt with Dad, my Bro and life long buddy has came and gone.

    With tons of prep work and planning, hook ups of connections, we headed out fingers crossed knowing this year 2018 would prove challenging by comparison of previous years.
    Bad weather and big weather changes prior to our hunt delayed harvest of many many crops. Wheat, Barley, Peas in various areas has still yet to be harvested limiting your opportunities.

    But....... Them friendly farmers and folks made our hunt again A HUGE SUCCSESS !
    We made a few new hook ups this year, had help from a few others in the past which made it all come together.

    We can't say enough about the down to earth folks of Saskatchewan...... To you we are grateful for providing us access, suggestions, great times and memories which will be with us forever. Thanks so much! From all of us.

    We again got to experience the TORNADO of Snows above whirling in every direction possible above at various elevations and range. Wow! Incredible experience. We picked up the Beautiful Blues too, Ross, Specklebellys and....... the small to HUGE Canadas of various types. Boy them Big Honkers coming in wings set for the swing over the deeks is a sight to behold. For the avid waterfowler..... It's what you dream of. Be it the silence they sneak in with or the deafening calling as they approach, it's just an incredible experience to share with friends and family.

    Thank you to you all that helped us out so much. You know who you are.

    Our Shares together with you, our Dad of 84 years young, your one hell of a role model pops ! Wow I sure hope I can do what you can later in life, your shooting, presence, laughter, smiles, shares and all around efforts each and every day made this again another trip of a lifetime. Your DIY take down blind you built works Terrific ! The results prove that LOL.

    To to you avid Fowlers out there. If you haven't done it. DO IT SOON !
    you won't regret it.

    Last edited by guest; 10-02-2018 at 07:51 PM.

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