Hi All,

I've mostly just trolled this forum enjoying all the insight everyone shares here. I'm entering the market for a hunting pack, and I'd love some advice.

The use case:
A day pack, with maybe the capacity to stretch it to a one night trip (so far I've only ever hunted from a basecamp)

Goals: Carry day hunting gear, food/water, and game meat out.

Further details:
For a day hunt, I want to pack processing gear (kept on the light side), water (in a bladder), food, first aid, possibly a spotting scope, some small items like wind checker etc. and maybe rain gear that's about it. Mostly I want the pack to carry that stuff plus game meat (quartered or deboned) if I'm a few kms distance from the base or from the nearest road when a kill happens. Ideally I'd like to be able to pack out a whole muley myself if I have to in one trip. Most of the time I hunt with people, and especially if I was hunting anything bigger than a muley.

Right now my budget is around $300, but if it is really best to wait and save for something more like 500 I'd be open to that possibility.

Things I've seen to date that kind of interest me: Badlands 2200, Kuiu 1850. I also like the idea of the packs like the kuiu that you can get a bigger bag for it if I decide to start doing longer overnight trips. But that's not crucial, I would be good with something that will only be a day pack.

Thanks in advance for the insight.