Being new the bowhunting I realize how little I know when things go wrong.

Here's the poop.

All of a sudden my bow is shooting 8-10" low at 20yds. I had the bow in my backpack while riding my motorbike so I first thought I had banged my sight. I tried moving the sight down but soon ran out of room.

One thing that I did different when I waxed my string the last time I put the bow away was that I removed the cables from the slider for easier asccess. Previously I just pulled on the string to access the areas near the slider. I noticed that my Trophy Ridge drop away was not at the max height when at full draw. I never noticed where it was previously. Are fall aways designed to be at the max height when at full draw??
I swapped cable positions in the slider thinking that this may be the problem and sure enough the rest went to the max height when @ full draw. I'm just a little leary to shoot the bow incase I may damage the bow or string.

Here's a pic where the rest would stop the first way I had the cables(I'm just pulling on the return string of the rest to simulate what happenned)

pic of rest at max height when I swapped the cables

Bow when I swapped the cables

Close up of the same

I thought I was careful when I waxed the string to ensure I put the cables back to where they were but maybe I swapped them??
