So I was out last night right after work, driving to my area is about 8 k's of bush roads, partially overcast day, windy and while driving see a big cow moose plus a whitetail yearling.. I proceed to my spot for a hunt til last light, knowing that a few animals are moving for water or whatever, it's a hike in of about 1.5 km, I'm taking my time trying to keep noise to a minimum, spot lots of deer sign all the way in, and sit down for the last couple hours of legal's cooler temps (about 14 C), windy, and the wind was changing direction lots, the only direction it wasn't going consistently was southerly, other than that, it would blow one way for a while, then another etc..saw absolutely nothing, and a trail cam plus the sign I was seeing shows the deer do frequent the area..

My question for everyone is, would you have sat patiently like I did, or would you go the best direction the wind gives you, keeping it to your face and still-hunt? Or would you on a windy day like that, and seeing a couple critters, keep driving hoping to nab a WT buck or 4 point muley from the road?