Since having come home from my Bear hunt, I'm getting some contradictory advice on how to prepare my sausage meat.

The Bear is quartered and in my deep-freeze, it now needs to be thawed and processed further before it's skin-stuffing time.

I was in to the local sausage supply house for supplies and they advised me that in order to build my sausages, the entire lot will now need to be smoked before going back to the freezer. If I elect not to smoke, it will need to be 'finished' in some other manner (160 degree oven).

I guess that I was under the impression that refreezing was more of a quality issue than it was a health concern (?). The sausages that I’d like to make will all be dinner types that will need to be cooked before consumption (Italians and Garlic), except for a batch or two of pepperoni.

I know that there are a few members here (but can’t remember who) that have credentials in meat handling - I humbly seek for your input.
