Species: Black Bear
Date of Kill: October 1st 2013
Region: 7-3
Weapon used: Mossberg 4x4 30-06
Category Entered: Firearm
Photo: http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showp...e=bear&cat=500
Story: We drove 800kms from Chilliwack to McBride leaving at "O Dark Early" (4am). We set up base camp and took off in the truck to have a look at the area in preperation for the morning hunt. 15 min into the drive we spotted a black bear down an embankment. I jumped out of the truck and took a shot broadside into his right shoulder. The bear walked about ten feet, laid down and died quickly. After a quick happy dance, I proceeded down the 100 foot hill and realized the bear was on a small island of sorts in the middle of a large swamp. It looked shallow so we attepmted to cross. It turns out what we thought was grass was in fact floating moss that sunk instantly leaving us "tits deep" in a pile of misery. It was almost dark, we were in Grizzly country and decided it best if we try again in the morning. The next day we found an old beat up canoe. We lowered it down the hill to the swamp and got across. After loading the bear and ourselves in to the canoe, a third guy tied a rope from the canoe, up the hill around a truck hitch to a quad and pulled us over the swamp. We hopped out and left Yogi in the boat and used our makeshift pulley system to get him up the hill.
This was my first bear and my first successful hunt in BC after moving from Nova Scotia three years ago. The hunts that are the hardest work are the most memorable and rewarding. If I could do it again, I wouldn't change a thing.