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Thread: HBC Big Game Contest 2013=WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    The Wack

    Re: HBC Big Game Contest 2013

    Species: Black Bear
    Date of Kill: October 1st 2013
    Region: 7-3
    Weapon used: Mossberg 4x4 30-06
    Category Entered: Firearm
    Story: We drove 800kms from Chilliwack to McBride leaving at "O Dark Early" (4am). We set up base camp and took off in the truck to have a look at the area in preperation for the morning hunt. 15 min into the drive we spotted a black bear down an embankment. I jumped out of the truck and took a shot broadside into his right shoulder. The bear walked about ten feet, laid down and died quickly. After a quick happy dance, I proceeded down the 100 foot hill and realized the bear was on a small island of sorts in the middle of a large swamp. It looked shallow so we attepmted to cross. It turns out what we thought was grass was in fact floating moss that sunk instantly leaving us "tits deep" in a pile of misery. It was almost dark, we were in Grizzly country and decided it best if we try again in the morning. The next day we found an old beat up canoe. We lowered it down the hill to the swamp and got across. After loading the bear and ourselves in to the canoe, a third guy tied a rope from the canoe, up the hill around a truck hitch to a quad and pulled us over the swamp. We hopped out and left Yogi in the boat and used our makeshift pulley system to get him up the hill.

    This was my first bear and my first successful hunt in BC after moving from Nova Scotia three years ago. The hunts that are the hardest work are the most memorable and rewarding. If I could do it again, I wouldn't change a thing.
    Last edited by west-coast-bluenoser; 10-12-2013 at 03:14 PM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: HBC Big Game Contest 2013

    Wondering if anyone else has input about this; I was wondering if kids under the age of 14 could be included in the contest even if they are not members, as long as they have a parent who is a member. My son is 11 and although this site is very well monitored, there are some threads and posts that I dont think are age appropriate for pre-teens. For the record, I am not on Facebook (not that this is much different...) but I gather that you are not allowed to be on Facebook until you are 14. In my opinion this would be an acceptable exception to the rules. Regardless, I do appreciate the effort of those who contribute to the site.
    Peace out.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Haney,BC and anywhere you can hunt in BC out of the rain !

    Re: HBC Big Game Contest 2013

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Prawn View Post
    Wondering if anyone else has input about this; I was wondering if kids under the age of 14 could be included in the contest even if they are not members, as long as they have a parent who is a member. My son is 11 and although this site is very well monitored, there are some threads and posts that I dont think are age appropriate for pre-teens. For the record, I am not on Facebook (not that this is much different...) but I gather that you are not allowed to be on Facebook until you are 14. In my opinion this would be an acceptable exception to the rules. Regardless, I do appreciate the effort of those who contribute to the site.
    Peace out.
    Why kids can start hunting at age 10 for themselves,I don't see any issues with it.
    Maybe send Gatehouse a PM and get a clarification if the youths have to be a member or is there parent/guardian good enough ?
    7-6.5 PRCW the best cartridge since the 280 Ackley 👍

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    mission bc

    Re: HBC Big Game Contest 2013

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Prawn View Post
    Wondering if anyone else has input about this; I was wondering if kids under the age of 14 could be included in the contest even if they are not members, as long as they have a parent who is a member. My son is 11 and although this site is very well monitored, there are some threads and posts that I dont think are age appropriate for pre-teens. For the record, I am not on Facebook (not that this is much different...) but I gather that you are not allowed to be on Facebook until you are 14. In my opinion this would be an acceptable exception to the rules. Regardless, I do appreciate the effort of those who contribute to the site.
    Peace out.
    i was wondering the same thing, my son is 12 and got a buck this youth season. And we don't let him do the Facebook yet nor other web site yet, but I hate to see home miss on a good thing
    Magnums dont kill deer,,,, bullets do (Stick with a rifle. Let cupid shoot the arrows lol.)

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Vancouver (unfortunatly)

    Re: HBC Big Game Contest 2013

    Species: Mule Deer
    Date of Kill: Oct 12th 2013
    Region: 3
    Weapon used: .270 Winchester Savage Axis
    Category Entered: Firearm
    Story or link to story:

    Nothin better then the great outdoors!

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Thumbs up Re: HBC Big Game Contest 2013

    Species: Moose

    Date of Kills: October 2 & 3

    Region: 5

    Weapons used: 7mm-08 (First Bull) and 300 Weatherby (Second)

    Category Entered: Firearm & Most Strenuous Extractions


    Story or link to story: Limits Of Endurance Moose Hunt - Including backpack extractions from > 1,000 and 2,500 YARDS

    Story and more pictures:


    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: HBC Big Game Contest 2013

    Species: Mule deer
    Date of Kill: October 12/13
    Region: 8
    Weapon used: Winchester 270
    Category Entered: Firearm

    Link to story!
    Last edited by Jelvis; Yesterday at 10:24 PM. Reason: ATTENTION: YOUR HONEY HOLE has been JEL ZEROED

    " A boss is like a diaper, always on your ass and full of shit!"

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: HBC Big Game Contest 2013

    Species : elk
    date of kill : 09/13/13
    Region : 4
    weapon : 300 mag
    catagory : firearm

    Bad luck bull
    Well it started as the most organized and planned out hunt I have ever done. We did our homework and knew where we were going to shoot a elk for sure (so we thought).

    Well the drive up is where everything started to go wrong. My buddy coming from the otherside of the province of the province was stuck, there was a huge acciendent and the highway was stopped for the night . I slept on the side of the road in my camper that night and he got himself a motel room. It was a horrible nights sleep, thinking that every truck coming in the night was him. He rolled up bright and early, and with a quick hello and coffee we were off.

    We arrived to not so good weather, actually the worst rain, thunder and lightning I think I've ever seen. We stayed at my buddy's cabin for the night thinking that we could just take the truck and camper up in the morning and get to our final hunting area. Well the next morning the rain had not let up. We decided to take his truck up and look at the area. We got to the lake we planned to stay at and everything looked good... We drove about 500 yards around the comer and there it was!

    It was a 80 foot wide washout!!!! The area we had researched and mapped out on google earth, where we were certain we would get a elk was gone! We hung our heads and drove away. Time for plan B... There was one road that ran parallel to the valley on the otherside. We got back to the highway and drove up the road. We saw 2 spike bulls right away. We decided to pass on even trying for them. The elk were here and we knew we would see more.... So we thought. We spent the next 4 days at plus 30 degrees with nothing but issues.

    About 10 kms up a knarley old quad trail my quad decided to quit! Had to tow it out the whole way. We had truck issue, flat tires, and we couldn't even find a mule deer.
    I gotta say though the grouse hunting was unreal.

    the day before rifle season we finally spotted a monster bull about 800 yards away and about 500 yards straight down a slash ( we spotted him driving 30kms back up the mountian to get my back pack I left on the side of the road!!).

    We had decided to go after him the next day. After running into nothing but other hunters thick thick fog and super hot weather we had pretty much given up hope. We went back to the slide out and got our quads across it. It was perfect no hunters and lots of elk tracks. We hunted hard. We put on miles on our boots and quads, but there was just nothing happening. They wernt talking and it seemed we were always 5 mins behind them.

    It was Thursday night. I told my buddy "tomorrow I'm hunting where we saw the spike bulls." He agreed and that's where we decided to hunt on FRIDAY THE 13 2013 (the most unlucky day ever!) I told him "it's gonna be an unlucky day for some big bull."

    it was 4am and and the alarm went off. We both had no ambition and were low down and beat. We crawled out to the truck and drove up the hill. Got to the slash and quietly got out of the truck. I slowly shut my door and out of no where a loud and proud bugle! Then a chuckle and a bugle. Then down the ridge another one ( holy *^%# we found them) we took off after them, but the wind was all wrong and one little stuck up cow winded us and pointed her nose in the air and took off letting everyone in the country know we were there!!

    We quickly left and made a plan for the evening hunt.
    My buddy was going to hunt that slash and I was going to hunt lower ( where we thought they may have busted out to).

    We split up and I drove to my spot. Just as I got there there was a truck parked in the middle of the road. Somebody beat me there. I quickly turned around a flew up the moutian. Passed my buddy told him what was up and ventured off to the next slash. I parked my quad on the road and started slowly walking in. I got to the landing and started following trialls through the slash. Up and over down and around until I saw my spot. A old blown down tree with a root ball sticking. Up. I walked down it and set up on the root ball. It was perfect overlooking a slash with thick bush surrounding it. I took a look around and saw a rub right on the bushline. I looked directly down wind and thought " hmm that looks nice but no elk will ever come out down there" there was a branch in the way so I broke it off to make a rest just in case. I looked up the hill down the valley and then glanced back down wind. Odd (I thought to myself) that branch wasn't there a min ago. Put my binos up and he turned his head!!!!

    Everythig happend in meer seconds. I counted 6 grabbed my gun put it on his shoulder, he took one step and BOOOM! Dropped him in his tracks.

    I walked down to where he was....... There he was the bull of a lifetime. I started counting 9x7 with crowns. Holy #^%* I just shot a royal!

    I would like to thank my buddy for all his help! Couldn't have done it without you buddy! That ******* was not a fun pack out.
    It is what it is...
    It is what it is...

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Peace River/West Kootenays

    Re: HBC Big Game Contest 2013

    "Life is too important to be taken seriously." Oscar Wilde

    "If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." - Thomas Jefferson

    “I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to make an ass of yourself.”―Oscar Wilde

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Walnut Grove, Langley

    Re: HBC Big Game Contest 2013

    JP and Sarg, in the rules at the top of the page it states: "All entrants *MUST* be members of HBC no later than Sept 30/2013"

    I understand your concerns about the young ones on here and some of the content. Both my kids have had accounts for some time. IF they wanted on here WE did it together.

    As always, if you do see a post of concern use the "report a post" function. We do our best to keep things civil and clean, but there's some 12000 members that can help us if inclined.

    So to answer the question, unless they had accounts prior to Sept 30, sadly they cannot enter. Doesn't mean they can't join now and enter any future contests. Now if Gatehouse decides otherwise, great!
    Last edited by Steeleco; 10-18-2013 at 03:08 PM.
    Take a kid hunting its more rewarding than shooting an animal yourself!!

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