Take a kid hunting its more rewarding than shooting an animal yourself!!
Sorry guys. My son just called me & told me to get my ass on board.
Thanks I'll take the HBC Mug.
Good contest.
Promoting the sport of Archery and Bowhunting
NCCP and IBEF Certification
Custom Knives and Game Calls
Quote....."Life's tough......it's even tougher if you're stupid"........John Wayne
Quote....."It is far better to be alone than in bad company"........ George Washington
So where does that leave the remainder??
Are we down to the 10pk of Q's??
I Give my Heart to my Family....
My Mind to my Work.......
But My Soul Belongs to the Mountains.....
I forgot! I need to get a hold of Marc for my mug.....
The measure of a man is not how much power he has, it's how he wields it.