Re: A step by step guide to posting pictures (with pictures)
I have been desperately trying to post pics from my Photobucket account as per Coach's instructions but Photobucket does not do what Coach instructs.... what do I do now ???
Re: A step by step guide to posting pictures (with pictures)
So a photobucket account is the only way? Seems rather restrictive to me. I have other accounts that host my photos, sure would be nice if those would work. Windows Live/One Drive, Google photos.... the list goes on. A number of other forums I frequent have no issues with me posting photos using links from other than photobucket, what's the problem here? I've been using web links to pages with my Windows & Google photos on this forum as a workaround, but that really shouldn't be necessary. This a v-bulletin based board like many others that work for me no?
Even trying to upload file from computer is a no go, I get error #2038 after the file uploads into the dialogue box. Once I close the dialogue box, nada.
Attempt using OneDrive
#2 OneDrive/Live
#3 OneDrive/Live using 'view original' option.
Omigorsh!!! Finally! That appears to have done the trick, deselecting the 'Retrieve remote file and reference locally' checkbox!!!
Attempt using Google Photos
To get the little x boxes above I had to deselect the "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" checkbox in the Insert Image dialogue box. If I leave the check in place, I get an invalid file error. What a tedious process with no results!
It seems that in order to embed the photo in the HBC post, a link needs to have an image extension, i.e. jpg, gif, png etc. Most photo hosting sites these days no longer provide links in that format. Other forums seem to have figured that out & made the necessary software modifications, isn't it about time one of the HBC software gurus did the same?
Re: A step by step guide to posting pictures (with pictures)
Another method, using the 'embed' option after bringing up a photo on my OneDrive account. Embed is the 2nd option (below 'view original' in the ... dropdown menu for a photo displayed on OneDrive). Once the link is generated, this option allows you to customize the photo size as well, original, large, small. Once again, clearing the 'Retrieve remote file and reference locally' checkbox was the key.
Re: A step by step guide to posting pictures (with pictures)
A simple upload picture button would be nice, most other sites i use have one, cant be bothered doing the whole photobucket thing its just another account/password to remember so i don't contribute much around here.
Re: A step by step guide to posting pictures (with pictures)
Woohoo, I'm on a roll boys & girls. Link from a photo in an album on my Google+ account. Simply right click the photo & copy. Remember to deselect "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" checkbox. No option to resize with Google account but forum software appears to automatically size to fit into post.
Re: A step by step guide to posting pictures (with pictures)
Originally Posted by russm
A simple upload picture button would be nice, most other sites i use have one, cant be bothered doing the whole photobucket thing its just another account/password to remember so i don't contribute much around here.
I'm with you on that one & also don't wish to open a photobucket account in order to include photos in my posts. Photos are bandwidth/storage intensive files & that is why most forums only provide limited storage/upload capability and make you link to other resources. It sometimes gets my goat when things don't work on one forum as they do on another. Every once in a while I get bullheaded & persistent in trying to figure it out & this time I've managed to get two of my accounts with tons of photos already uploaded to work. Surely you have some sort of account other than photobucket where you share files & photos with friends/family etc.? Many folks are on facebook, but that's another account I've stayed away from, instead using Google+. G+ is way less popular but I like it that way. Plenty of free storage for your files & a lot less inyourfaceannoying ads & trivial crap that you find on FB. In any case, I don't do FB so have no idea if linking to photos there is possible. Must be a few people on here that do? Perhaps they have it figured & can chime in?
EDIT: Right click on photo, copy(ctrl c), then paste(ctrl v) into Insert Image (From URL) dialogue box with retrieve box deselected seems to work for facebook as well.