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Thread: Still Missing in Spatsizi

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    I was up there sept 30 to the 5th of oct. Two sheep hunters Clint and Dave from the kootneys found a axe, wooden handle about 1 1/2 feet long , head made in germany and a leather cover that looked hand made with metal rivets on one end and lether lace to hold it on the axe head. They said they would report it to parks people for heritage reasons as they thought it might be an axe from an old outfitter. Not sure if this might help. If it does get a hold of Dale the pilot at tatoga lake he would have their names in the log book.
    May some lead bring you closer to your goal of finding some of your questions answered.
    Do'nt rush your shot, that's when the work starts.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    There is no one at the Dease Lake RCMP that can tell me anything for a couple of days. The Staff Sgt is gone until November and the Const. is in Terrace for court. If anyone else has heard these rumors can you tell me if you have heard if it it has been reported or not. Was it a hunter who located these items? Does anyone know what area of Spatsiz?

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    The information I heard was that it was two hunters that found what was left of a tent and a rotted out backpack that was most likely buried. I was having coffee in Tattoga Lodge with my uncle and he is the one that told me. He is hunting in the area right now and I won't see him again for a couple days. You might try phoning the Tattoga Lodge.

    I believe that it was reported but I cannot confirm 100%

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    Just talked to the RCMP and nothing like this has been reported to them. Please if anyone knows who may have found something could they have them report it to the RCMP at 250-771-4111. Thanks for all your help.


  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    I was hunting in Spatsizi early August of this year for sheep. Nothing seen, however we did lose a tent that was strapped to one of our backpacks on the way out in a drainage towards the rail-grade road. In case anyone finds it, this would be mine, but not from a missing the person.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    Can you tell me the color of your tent and was it a one person?

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    No service

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    Quote Originally Posted by Wild_Dog View Post
    The information I heard was that it was two hunters that found what was left of a tent and a rotted out backpack that was most likely buried. I was having coffee in Tattoga Lodge with my uncle and he is the one that told me. He is hunting in the area right now and I won't see him again for a couple days. You might try phoning the Tattoga Lodge.

    I believe that it was reported but I cannot confirm 100%
    Keep us posted on this, hopefully there is truth to this for your familys sake.
    Originally Posted by averagejoe
    thats pretty cool. i bet you get close to those cats some time when there low in the tree hey. when do they have kittens?? do you ever see baby cougars in the tree or do they hide in her pouch?

    Originally Posted by wideopenthrottle
    ....I guess some peeps think a mother griz is like a crack whore ready to drop her baby at the first church door she sees...funny

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    I thank all of those who sent me emails letting me know what they had heard about possible items being found in Spatsizi. I could never track this rumour down to the source and now everything seems to have become very quite. If this ends of being a rumour I will be fine. This event happening helps me keep up hope. Even if it turns out not to be true it brought the hope back in my life that maybe someday someone will find something. So please in the future if anyone hears anything do not hesitate to let me know, I am stronger than people may think.


  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Never the EFF you mind!!!

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    Quote Originally Posted by Missing View Post
    I thank all of those who sent me emails letting me know what they had heard about possible items being found in Spatsizi. I could never track this rumour down to the source and now everything seems to have become very quite. If this ends of being a rumour I will be fine. This event happening helps me keep up hope. Even if it turns out not to be true it brought the hope back in my life that maybe someday someone will find something. So please in the future if anyone hears anything do not hesitate to let me know, I am stronger than people may think.


    Good on yah Girl, you are an inspiration to us all, keep going strong, lots of hunters in and out of that area one day you'll get your closure
    -Lightweight gunaholic
    -Half of a Human Pinata
    -Bear Kung-Fu Master
    -Gatherer of the Elk meat

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    bump bump bump

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