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Thread: Still Missing in Spatsizi

  1. #111
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    I have recently updated the web page with pdf and kmz maps to show the searched area for the reported camp. It is absolutely beyond comprehendible to visually see the search lines from Terrace Search and Rescue. They are amazing human beings.

  2. #112
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    Recently, I received an email with a picture of an old backpack that was found in Spatsizi by a sheep hunter. Unfortunately, it was not Toms. I am so grateful to everyone for continuing to share our posts and for keeping their eyes open for anything of Toms. I know one day someone will find something of Toms that will help us piece together why he did not come home to us. Please keep sharing our story.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  3. #113
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    “Missing” is having problems with her user name so she has asked if I could post her update for her.

    A quick update for this year. Three hunters located items in different parts of Spatsizi. A pack was discovered, a camo baseball cap and a shirt were all located. Unfortunately, all the items were ruled out as being Tom’s. Receiving those emails definitely got my heart pumping and put me on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster but I wouldn’t change that for anything. This past year brought hope back to us that things can still be found! Please do not hesitate to make contact with us, to ask questions or to report finding the smallest thing. Your questions and that small item could lead us on a journey to help find our loved one.
    In the near future my email the domain will not be operational. Due to this I have to change my email address. My new email is

  4. #114
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    "Missing" is having problems with her user name so she has asked if I could post this for her.

    My yearly reminder if you are hunting in Spatsizi Plateau Wilderness Park to please keep a watch out for any items that might belong to Tom. As opening season for sheep approaches, I have mixed emotions. My heart, soul and body become heavy as this is when we lost a wonderful husband and father. However, my mind is hopeful that this will be the year that something is found to lead us to some answers. After 19 years the pain is as raw as it was in 2005. The girls and I have continued to move forward with our lives carrying a weight on our hearts as we do so. We know one day this weight will be lifted when someone finds something of Toms that will help us piece together why he did not come home to us. We are still looking for a tent that was located years ago. The search grid for this tent you can find on the webpage The description for the location of this tent from the hunter who stumbled upon it, “it is located just outside of the base of the swamp line and just getting into the immature trees. The tent was tucked up under a pine tree. If you didn’t know it was there you would walk right past it”. We are truly grateful for all that have watched the video, all that continue to share my posts and for the hunters that keep looking for anything that could possibly be Toms. Please keep sharing our story

  5. #115
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    May you find more items of your beloved Tom and find closure to a sad ending !
    Arctic Lake
    Member of CCFR Would encourage you all to join today !
    Read Teddy Roosevelt “ The Man In The Arena “ !

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