It's not that I'm perfect - it's just that I'm a bit obsessive about shooting, so I thought that we all might benefit from a review of proper shooting form. The following is a pic of me when I had not corrected my form. Once I viewed the photo I could clearly see the "mistakes" in my form.

Viewed from behind - you could clearly see that the head was canted into the string just to be able to see the sight pins through the peep aperture. This resulted in over-stressed neck muscles and a sore neck at the end of the shooting session.

The backward lean of the upper body (to compensate for the too-long draw length) resulted in the back muscles being "twanged" and "vibrated" whenever the arrow was released. This twanging vibration travelled right up and down the back/neck, causing sore and aching muscles after an hour or two of shooting.

All of these faults have since been corrected by adjusting the draw length and the peep aperture setting on the string. Now there is no tension when shooting and no sore muscles for days afterwards.