Re: Deluxe Wall Tents
Just had a chat with Perry yesterday, his business has now moved to Cobble Hill from Sannich and his team is as busy as ever making quality Wall tents. One of the thing he mentioned to me is it seems everyone is asking for a wall tent and needing it in the next week or two sort of thing and they are totally balls the walls working 7 days per week but if you're looking at purchasing a wall tent he recommends ordering it 2 or 3 months in advance or longer if you know you're going to need or want one. You don't have to pay until it ships so you're not out of pocket for ordering it early but what you are doing is reserving a tent that you will have in a few months down the road when you want to use it. I will be using one of his wall tents on a trip up north this fall and looking forward to the peace of mind and comfort these tents provide.
Thanks again Perry for a Great Product and your unwavering support.
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