Here's another game meat nutrition link that you might try....
so moose seems to be the winner (for deer vs. elk vs. moose vs. caribou that is)
They are all HUGE winners compared with beef though.
I didn't realize they were that high in cholesterol???
Doesn't really have anything to do with being organic or not. Basically if it has a mother, it's got Cholesterol.
"Know your Land, Know Your Prey" - Mantracker
"I still don’t know why I fish or why other men fish, except that we like it and it makes us think and feel."– Roderick Haig-Brown
Dont trust thatfirst links data on deer, they must have left all the fat on the carcass. I was taught that the value of game is that the fat is not marbled through the meat any where near as much as beef.
Originally Posted by Gatehouse "I don't worry about the trim on rifle scopes. Probably because I have never caught the ghey."
I was suprised a couple of years ago when I researched this. I always thought in my younger days reading all the mags etc. that deer meat was low in cholesterol (American magazines). It may be lean but it has more cholesterol than beef etc. Hard to prove other wise. Bison is the alterative to beef.
My older cousin in Sask has a Buff farm and it is good eating for sure. Regulations has it that no hormones or other stuff can be admitted to the animals. Free range only. They are hardy. Take winters well too.
Surprising how much sodium there is........ naturally.
B.C. craft's why I come home
Thanks great link
Real hunters have no friends! Alls we want from you is where you seen the big buck last year! We don't care about your dog or what you do for a living or how you bake a bloody pie from scratch! Where did you see the buck, Buddy! We don't watch Oprah or shower at a 10 day hunting camp, we eat pork and beans with the knife we gut Deer with,we blow our nose with our fingers and the Regs are used for Toilet Paper! Friends, Ha, isn't that a TV show for Girlie Men???
i think some of it is wrong. cooked deer 340g serving has 103g of protein-lol...seems wayyy too high,
...udderly suspect data.