This is a great thread! Some of the items that i have in my Dog F/A kit Are, EMT gel, Quick clot, sterile saline,Tuf Foot or Blue Foot, Benedril, Hydrogen Peroxide 5% to induce vomiting, Standard gauze wrap and pads, Staple kit, Forecepts(great for cactus), White sports tape, Vet wrap, and Lewis dog boots for Blown pads, and for fractures towels help for imobilization and comfort during transportation.
It was stated in an earlier post to use peroxide for cleaning wounds. Never Never use Hydrogen Peroxide to clean a wound as it destroys tissue. Only ever use water or sterile saline!!!
So other than some Dog specific items a standard Human F/A kit will work fine for our best friends in the field.
After a bad allergic reaction last night (probably a spider bite) I had this same conversation about first aid kits this morning. Polysporin, Neosporin... in addition to plenty of Benadryl. Just so you know what dosage The Emergency Vet told me at 02:00 this morning... 2 tablets @ 25mg. per tab for my 71lb Black Lab. It helped. He was a mess! Pink skin, and a face that looked like Rocky Balboa!
whats the best way to remove tick off dogs, it looks like its been there a couple of days , just noticed it, the old girl couldnt get to it under her throat, is hot pin the way to remove???????
While that may work to get the tick off your dog it may cause the
tick to disgorge itself ...puke...while still attached to your dog. That's how tick-borne disease gets going.
While that may work to get the tick off your dog it may cause the
tick to disgorge itself ...puke...while still attached to your dog. That's how tick-borne disease gets going.
i took it off with teezers. i got it as close to the skin as possible, it all came out.. it must have been there a couple of days. now she does have a ring of reddness around where it bit her, and isnt that the signs of lyme disease?????