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Thread: Doug's Teriyaki Goose Breasts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Kingston, Ont

    Doug's Teriyaki Goose Breasts


    4 - 6 Canada Goose breasts
    1 bottle low fat (or no fat) Italian salad dressing
    2 tsp ground ginger
    ½ cup honey
    ½ cup soya sauce

    Trim breasts, pluck off any feathers, cut away any shot-damaged meat, discard any shot, give the breasts a good rinse under cold water, and slice them thinly, length-wise, into small strips about ¼” thick.

    Mix the other ingredients together to make a teriyaki marinade. Add the goose breast strips to the marinade and put it in the fridge for 24 hours or so (at least 12, up to 48 would be fine).

    Heat BBQ to HOT. Place the strips across the grills, and by the time you have finished laying them out, start turning them over. By the time you have turned them all over, they are probably cooked. Total cooking time is less than 5 minutes. Serve medium rare, or AT THE MOST, medium, on warmed plates. My favourite companion dishes are basmati rice and maple-glazed baby carrots. Serves 1 to 2 persons per breast.

    This is THE best red meat you will ever eat, it is absolutely every bit as good as venison or moose t-loins. FABULOUS.


  2. Site Sponsor

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Prince George
    Thanks lots and lots! I hope you have a tigerlicious day!
    What I lack in skill, talent, and experience I make up for in ENTHUSIASM!!!!

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Walnut Grove, Langley
    Sounds tasty Doug all I need do now is learn to hunt Goose, now that I have Savage's not so old Mossy 500A. I wounder if the huggers would mind me cleaning up Stanley park. LOL
    Take a kid hunting its more rewarding than shooting an animal yourself!!

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Reading a couple of your recipes and instructions, I have to say you sound like quite the accomplished gourmet Doug!! I think I'll try this teryaki on some thinly sliced venison and see how it turns out! Thanks for the recipe!

    "Do not go where the path may lead,
    go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Kingston, Ont


    Thanks folks!

    Back to Chris - yes this recipe also works very well for venison. Don't slice the pieces too thin though, because the venison dries out too quickly on the BBQ. Or conversely if you really want thin pieces, put the bbq at about half-heat so you get kind of slow-cooked teriyaki steaks.....

    Mind you when I do venison I generally make a full-blown teriyaki sauce with real onions etc then cook off the sauce for a bit and serve the sauce alongside the deer.

    BTW you can also use this marinade for jerky, in which case you DO cut the deer or goose very thin and of course smoke it rather than BBQ it.

    I guess I should post a few more recipes because yes I have created quite a few of them over the years.


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