Hello! I have been obtaining hunting info from this site for a long time now and finally decided to register so I could ask some specific questions and see if there’s any one out there that could possibly help me out.
So how does this work? Lol. honestly I am internet handicapped. I’m not even sure if this message is going to go anywhere... is there a place that I can start a post. Do I start it somewhere specific? I did just get on here so I’m sure I can figure it out after a bit of exploring lol.
I'm one of the admins here on hbc.
You can message me anytime.
But yes you can go into the forum and it's broken doenninyo many sections. You can post questions to each topic in the relevant sections
I'm one of the admins here on hbc.
You can message me anytime.
But yes you can go into the forum and it's broken doenninyo many sections. You can post questions to each topic in the relevant sections
Thank you, that’s great 😊
And thanks for the welcome also.
so I also noticed that no one here really uses their real name ... should I come up with something cooler or more hunter like lol. I’m a hunter I swear. Lol
New member here. I remember getting a message about using the buy/sell and but I cant find it anymore. I recall seeing something about face to face deal only. Is that for selling only or applies to buying as well.
Hello all! New member here and recent graduate of the CORE program (which I thoroughly enjoyed!) Been lurking for a while now and looking forward to participating and continuing down this slippery slope!