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Thread: Trail Cams All Year

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2024

    Re: Trail Cams All Year

    Quote Originally Posted by TheObserver View Post
    Yes I leave them out year round and its invaluable info for certain species and areas, even if I dont feel I need to for a certain species/area I will, just to see what preds are around.

    Only with Lithiums though no alkaline if they are staying out in cold/wet for extended period, could leak and ruin your camera not to mention they will die fast.
    I hear people talk about alkalines being shite, however when I lived on the island I left cams out with alkalines and they still had at least 50% battery left after a year. I had them up on the west side of the island at the top of a high ridge and they survived 100’s of mm of rain, a cold snap of -20, and hot summer temps. Maybe I got a lucky batch?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    As far back as my feet will get me.

    Re: Trail Cams All Year

    Quote Originally Posted by skaha View Post
    I hear people talk about alkalines being shite, however when I lived on the island I left cams out with alkalines and they still had at least 50% battery left after a year. I had them up on the west side of the island at the top of a high ridge and they survived 100’s of mm of rain, a cold snap of -20, and hot summer temps. Maybe I got a lucky batch?
    I had a buddy put up a stealthcam and left it throuh the winter for Blacktail region 2 and when he went and got it in the spring I was there and the batteries leaked and ruined the cam. So I use the lithiums, but also because I just get a big batch and use them in my garmin all the time, and then other gear that takes AAs later in the season when it gets cold. But if alkalines work yes much cheaper, I leave my cams all year though so lithiums give me peace of mind and they forsure last much longer, but more expensive.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Fish Limb, B.C.

    Re: Trail Cams All Year

    I'm in Salmon Arm and I leave mine out year round. I'm also a lithium only guy. Alkalines will appear to work, but under very low temperatures, if the voltage drops too low, the camera may stop working and you won't know how many photos you didn't get. I let mine take 2 time lapse pics a day so I know when it was running and when it wasn't.

    I can usually get 15-18 months out of a set of batteries taking photos only and getting 3000 - 5000 images per year.

    Winter trail cams are fun.
    If an animal is going to die so that I might live, the least I can do is perform the unsavoury deed myself.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    A desk, truck, stand and blind in BC

    Re: Trail Cams All Year

    Quote Originally Posted by Stone Sheep Steve View Post
    Bears are definitely hard on cams come spring time... but you can get some cool footage of teeth etc

    This is 7 months from one camera. A bear proof box is a good idea.

    I run 12v 10ah Lithiums from mid October to end of December on my cams as I can get 20000+ 10 sec videos on a single charge The cams are either 12' off the ground or in a bear proof box. It's not really the cams I worry about, it is the battery and cable that they will destroy. And since most areas I cannot get into until enough snow has melted, or I snowshoe in, I don't want to worry about the battery/cable.

    Plus all we get are yotes and the very odd wolf and neither catch my attention. Not one cougar in 15 years. I just don't get anything interesting in the winter.

    I did chain a deer carcass to a tree one winter and put a cam with AA lithiums on it. It was interesting to see martin, up to 4 at one time, on the carcass, but the card filled up with all the birds. I need to put it under a big spruce next time.



    Quote Originally Posted by 358mag View Post
    "In spite of what some members of this site choose to BELIEVE, None of our opinions are any more important than Dog Shit"!

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Re: Trail Cams All Year

    I’ve considered cell cams in the off season but kinda look forward to going out and checking. How often do you check? I have been leaving for a minimum of two weeks.

    I don't think crotch is the stealthiest scent for deer hunting. (Surrey Boy)

    so are you gonna stop spreading it on your nuts for your dog to lick off? (monasheemountainman)

    You weren't there and you didn't get a moose hoof to the balls. (300rum700)

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Victoia BC when not at work, otherwise up North

    Re: Trail Cams All Year

    Always useful to leave a few Cameras out all year. On some the Alkaline Batteries go dead on others not. I modified Steel Ammo Boxes to hold each Camera which are chained onto a Tree couple Feet above maximum Snow Pack. Openings have an Rubber Belting outside Plate which holds a bunch of 3" nails even Grizzlies wont touch. Funniest Pictures I saw with one Camera where a huge Grizzly Boar bedded down in the Snow within 3 Ft of the Camera.

    * When the People fear the Government there is Tyranny, when the Government fears the people there is liberty.
    * Studies have shown, Vegetarians are poor providers !
    * We are told this is the Information age. Seems to me more like the missinfomation age !
    * Most always the soft spoken ones are the most deceiving and Dangerous !
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    Be safe and happy Trails !

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    As far back as my feet will get me.

    Re: Trail Cams All Year

    Quote Originally Posted by RugDoctor View Post
    I’ve considered cell cams in the off season but kinda look forward to going out and checking. How often do you check? I have been leaving for a minimum of two weeks.
    For me how often I check depends on the species and the area, if its sensitive with zero human traffic for say Elk I will check them like once or maybe twice over the summer. Other places that are more busy with people I can go more often for Deer in areas they may not be as worried. I have 15 out now, going to be getting a bunch more soon. With all the scouting ive done over the last 3 years I could put up hundreds of cams lol. When you have a lot its hard to check em all.

    My good spots where I know whats happening and know the area and there is always quality bucks I wont even check em until I hunt there, just keep em up to see whos around and still alive.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Lower Mainland

    Re: Trail Cams All Year

    I've had a few cameras out for over 4 years straight. They are connected to solar charged batteries and are very reliable. Its fascinating to see what goes on in the woods when you are not there.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Trail Cams All Year

    Yes, I have a few cams out that I won't be able to get until spring/ summer. Always nice to see what is moving and when. If batteries survive the winter you might even get some spring migration pics.
    IMO, better that the cams sitting in my closet

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