Re: Trail Cams All Year
Always useful to leave a few Cameras out all year. On some the Alkaline Batteries go dead on others not. I modified Steel Ammo Boxes to hold each Camera which are chained onto a Tree couple Feet above maximum Snow Pack. Openings have an Rubber Belting outside Plate which holds a bunch of 3" nails even Grizzlies wont touch. Funniest Pictures I saw with one Camera where a huge Grizzly Boar bedded down in the Snow within 3 Ft of the Camera.
* When the People fear the Government there is Tyranny, when the Government fears the people there is liberty.
* Studies have shown, Vegetarians are poor providers !
* We are told this is the Information age. Seems to me more like the missinfomation age !
* Most always the soft spoken ones are the most deceiving and Dangerous !
* The Law is no substitute for Morality !
Be safe and happy Trails !