Have read some articles on it. What do you think of the position that if you want a good all round pattern with steel shot you should have Improved Cyclinder? Just curious if anyone has patterned their shotgun usng different choke patterns. What's your experience in the field?
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
You lose nothing as far as killing distance is concerned and gain significantly with a more forgiving (wider) pattern….there bye improving your killing percentage. I’ve used Improved cylinder exclusively for many years and have had this discussion with others I’ve shared duck blinds with. After a few hunts and comparing my success ratio using IC a to theirs using modified or full chokes most have made the switch and enjoyed a noticeable improvement in shooting percentage.
Im now into my 70’s and have shot thousands of ducks over the years from the time I was 8 years old growing up in Alberta shooting a single shot, full choke .410 gauge and hunting with my father every chance I got. Back then we always used modified/full chokes until I teamed up with a much older guy after moving to BC who kept badgering me to try the IC. He finally convinced me to make the switch after much arguing about effective range, killing power, patterning etc. After a few hunts there was no doubt that IC is the right choice………more ducks and far fewer misses. This is for both decoying ducks (much easier to hit) and pass shooting at various ranges, angles and trajectories ( much more difficult). I saw the same results with lead shot before it became unlawful.
I would not consider myself a good smooth bore shooter but since switching to IC I’ve enjoyed many 8 bird bag limits with 8 shots in addition to hundreds of double hits and dozens of triples. I give most of the credit of being an acceptable wing shooter to switching to an improved cylinder choke…….and to shooting at lots and lots and lots of birds over the past 65 years…..…
"Guns kill people like spoons made Rosie O'Donel fat"
You lose nothing as far as killing distance is concerned and gain significantly with a more forgiving (wider) pattern….there bye improving your killing percentage. I’ve used Improved cylinder exclusively for many years and have had this discussion with others I’ve shared duck blinds with. After a few hunts and comparing my success ratio using IC a to theirs using modified or full chokes most have made the switch and enjoyed a noticeable improvement in shooting percentage.
Im now into my 70’s and have shot thousands of ducks over the years from the time I was 8 years old growing up in Alberta shooting a single shot, full choke .410 gauge and hunting with my father every chance I got. Back then we always used modified/full chokes until I teamed up with a much older guy after moving to BC who kept badgering me to try the IC. He finally convinced me to make the switch after much arguing about effective range, killing power, patterning etc. After a few hunts there was no doubt that IC is the right choice………more ducks and far fewer misses. This is for both decoying ducks (much easier to hit) and pass shooting at various ranges, angles and trajectories ( much more difficult). I saw the same results with lead shot before it became unlawful.
I would not consider myself a good smooth bore shooter but since switching to IC I’ve enjoyed many 8 bird bag limits with 8 shots in addition to hundreds of double hits and dozens of triples. I give most of the credit of being an acceptable wing shooter to switching to an improved cylinder choke…….and to shooting at lots and lots and lots of birds over the past 65 years…..…
When you say IC are you meaning lead IC or steel IC?
I’ve had some success with IC and mod, depending on the situation, but there’s no arguing with experience like yours!
What size of shells do you use and what would say is your effective range?
12 gauge, 3 inch, number 3 or 4 shot size. Use ammunition with a velocity of over 1500 ft/sec. With steel, speed kills. The range is what it is. Meaning you get the same effective kill range with IC as when using full or modified chokes.
As my old partner used to say “ you can talk ballistics, shot size, chokes etc, all you want but the 95% of the whole game is to hit the damn things.”
With Improved cylinder you will hit more ducks…
Last edited by labguy; 01-08-2025 at 07:09 AM.
"Guns kill people like spoons made Rosie O'Donel fat"
All my scatterguns are pre-lead for waterfowl ban. One I purchased new with a full complement of chokes. Used only for skeet a number of years before chasing waterfowl in Alberta. The other 2 are well used Browning A5's, one with full choke & the other I had cut down due to a faulty aftermarket variable choke it had on it. It's now my slug gun.
I've bagged both ducks & geese with steel shot thru the full choke A5. Managed a triple hit with it first time out, relatively long range, on the wing. I have 2 shotshell reloading presses & got my hands on some bismuth so I don't damage the barrels putting steel through them. Success with bismuth & the full choke A5 last fall as well. I really should get out & pattern them with the new loads, but meh, as someone else mentioned, bottom line is practice & accuracy. Know your range & limitations. It's been many decades since I've done any skeet or trap, but I'm certain all those days on the range & the buckets of empty shells I'm now reloading paid dividends.
I’ve used Improved cylinder for both steel and lead. It was with lead shot (before being banned) that I first learned of the benefits of using IC.
For some reason my shotgun didn't come with the IC choke but has the C choke. Maybe I misplaced it?? Would there be all that much difference between the IC and just the regular cylinder choke? Would you ever use the cylinder for duck hunting?
Last edited by mastercaster; 01-09-2025 at 06:14 PM.