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Thread: Pal

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2022

    Re: Pal

    It really is a crap shoot. I did it online and it took months. Had to email and call multiple times to get it done. Federal bureaucracy dysfunction.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Northern BC

    Re: Pal

    If you're sending it via mail make sure it's sent via registered mail, in June 2024 I sent in a renewal but they wanted a new application from me. So I sent that application in July 2024 (same information on a different form) and then called in early September and they said "it was being processed". In October, I got a letter saying that unless they received the new application that the application process would be cancelled and they'd keep the application fee.

    I called them and they said they never received the new application form, despite talking to me about it previously. I sent in the date from my credit card statement that I paid to have it sent to New Brunswick but that wasn't good enough, they wanted me to fill in a new application form for a 3rd time. In November, I got an envelope labelled "Undeliverable Mail" from Pickering, Ontario with my application form opened and barcodes and stickers in the administrative use only parts with the corresponding application number, showing that they did receive it but for some reason it was returned to me. Another call and they tried denying that it was their mistake and tried to blame Canada Post. I've emailed a complaint to my MP and they called me right away to try and resolve but I still don't have my PAL, and who knows where my personal information went.

    Federal bureaucratic shitshow at its finest - no charges, no complaints, a renewal on a simple PAL. Best of luck!
    Last edited by kitnayakwa77; 01-08-2025 at 03:19 PM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Northern BC

    Re: Pal

    Well, wonder of wonders, my PAL showed up yesterday in the mail! June 2024-January 2025. 5 emails, 6 phone calls, 3 applications later.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Hope & Tulameen

    Re: Pal

    Sept 23, submitted my RPAL Dec. 20 renewal, on line, relatively easy process. Oct. 21 was advised it was at the BC Firearms Office. Nov.25, "processed and your license has been issued." Dec. 28th, same as Nov. 25. Obviously stuck in limbo due to the PO Strike. Dec 31, in my PO Box. Safe for another 5 years.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Pal

    just renewed mine online, no way I would send in a paper copy unless you don't want it to get done in a timely fashion
    WSSBC Monarch
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  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Prince George BC

    Re: Pal

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdoggdon View Post
    And renew early. Some people get them back in a couple weeks, some take up to a year with no rhyme or reason for the delay. Remember the Liberals intentionally underfund this department just to make it a more painful process for the firearms owning public that they have so much disdain for.
    Applied for my renewal in August, still waiting, I'm now expired. I logged onto the website and have been told it's been approved and sent. Of course there was a postal strike in there so who knows where my PAL is
    Yay, got it today
    Member of the CCFR, but not a "Violent Extremist"

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Prince George BC

    Re: Pal

    Did My RPAL renewal online Nov20 , It was approved Dec, 9 , received it in the mail Today , would of been sooner if not for the Postal Strike , ** ONLINE ** is the best way and really simple and my ATT came with it .

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Pal

    I just did mine online. So easy....
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot 2025-01-14 at 10-15-46 Confirmation Application Payment Received _ Confirmation Paiem.jpg 
Views:	145 
Size:	21.4 KB 
ID:	10026  

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Pal

    I walked into the RCMP and had a new PAL in 3 weeks

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    P.G. 7-15

    Re: Pal

    On line, one and done.
    No one on their death bed ever said; I should have spent more time at work.

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