Anyone know when this draw opens up? The synopsis says the draw closes on Feb. 6th. 2025
Anyone know when this draw opens up? The synopsis says the draw closes on Feb. 6th. 2025
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Is your residency up to date? If not you will not be able to apply for LEH.
Ready, willing and Able Buddy
Our system is embarrassing not knowing when these things will even open up for application or having a set date. A bunch of guys checking sites and hoping they open up. Why they can’t set a date that draws will open and close still makes me shake my head. BC Special sheep draw is the same thing and as a result doesn’t do nearly as well
as it could.
I've applied before christmas multiple times so its a solid 3 weeks late at this point. Our LEH system is an embarrassment. Opening dates, closing dates, and draw dates should all be posted.
Only shoot small bulls near the road
I wish all the draws were early, so a guy could make a plan, maybe get a chance to do a little scouting. Doesn't seem like it should be that complicated. I e-mailed the LEH guy in Victoria, no reply
It really is silly that the dates fluctuate so much from year to year. I don't understand why there can't be a set dates for the opening and closing of the application window, and the draw date. It's absurd, but I guess that's our government.
They claim its because of the science that needs to be collected. NDP manages on emotions though so it shouldn't be that hard. We will see if the mandatory moose and caribou reporting speeds this up. I understood the moose was always the one they were waiting on to issue the LEH
No. I have applied for early sheep in December, before Christmas, multiple times. Last year I applied December 22nd.
Don't even get me started on Special Sheep LEH. Used to open in July and draw in August/Sept, now it opens in Sept/Oct with closing in November... And it takes over a month to draw 1 tag
Only shoot small bulls near the road