No. I have applied for early sheep in December, before Christmas, multiple times. Last year I applied December 22nd.
Don't even get me started on Special Sheep LEH. Used to open in July and draw in August/Sept, now it opens in Sept/Oct with closing in November... And it takes over a month to draw 1 tag
This is no the same. This post is about the early skeena mtn sheep, aka north region 6. You're talking about the special mtn sheep resident draw.
Originally Posted by JoeSixPack
No. I have applied for early sheep in December, before Christmas, multiple times. Last year I applied December 22nd.
Don't even get me started on Special Sheep LEH. Used to open in July and draw in August/Sept, now it opens in Sept/Oct with closing in November... And it takes over a month to draw 1 tag
There is a "special" sheep draw that opens for application in the fall? I thought there was just the two LEHs', the early leh queen charolettes black bear and early sheep, and the fall leh that opens in spring/summer.
There is a "special" sheep draw that opens for application in the fall? I thought there was just the two LEHs', the early leh queen charolettes black bear and early sheep, and the fall leh that opens in spring/summer.
Yes. Look at page 5 of the LEH. Its basically a lite version of a "Governors" style tag