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Thread: Dutch shepherd

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Where the road ends

    Dutch shepherd

    Anyone on here had a Dutch shepherd before ? I worked with King Shepard , Belgium melinois in past know there similar in ways . I'm thinking of pulling the pin on a 1.5 year old female beautiful colours .. pro's Cons
    Shhhhitttt I got this hold my beer

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    The mighty peace

    Re: Dutch shepherd

    Quote Originally Posted by Vortex hunter View Post
    Anyone on here had a Dutch shepherd before ? I worked with King Shepard , Belgium melinois in past know there similar in ways . I'm thinking of pulling the pin on a 1.5 year old female beautiful colours .. pro's Cons
    The pros are its dutch so probably works hard and has a brain. The cons are it barks like a Shepard……. So annoying. My neighbours Belgian shepherd barks all day and night long at people on there own property….. I like in an a acreage subdivision with 3 to 6 acre parcels and its on one of 4 different fence lines barking……… drives me nuts. Used to like the Shepard breed. Anyways just a little rant. I am sure you are a much better dog owner than my neighbour, so good luck on your new venture.
    If the world is warming why are there so many new snowflakes?

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  4. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Sunshine Coast

    Re: Dutch shepherd

    Quote Originally Posted by Husky7mm View Post
    The pros are its dutch so probably works hard and has a brain. The cons are it barks like a Shepard……. So annoying. My neighbours Belgian shepherd barks all day and night long at people on there own property….. I like in an an acreage subdivision with 3 to 6 acre parcels and it's on one of 4 different fence lines barking……… drives me nuts. Used to like the Shepard breed. Anyways just a little rant. I am sure you are a much better dog owner than my neighbour, so good luck on your new venture.
    Don't like barkin dogs? I had a male lab, his nick name was Bob Barker, I got him a bark collar from Dodtra called the yapper stopper that has a rechargeable battery and a variable intensity controller. He didn't like it but it shut him up. But it was a lot better than the local bylaw officer coming with complaints about a barkin dog.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Burns Lake BC

    Re: Dutch shepherd

    It is young enough to train still. If you are the alfa it will follow what you say. You will have to train it in your ways of dealing with noise and other people. Did I say TRAIN IT enough?
    The challenge of retirement is how to spend time without spending money.
    The worst day slinging lead is still better than the best day working.
    Look around is there someone you can introduce to shooting because that’s the only way we will buck the anti gun trend sweeping Canada! "tigrr 2006"

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Where the road ends

    Re: Dutch shepherd

    A dog barking like a guard dog is fine to me if someone is in the yard . But a dog just barking to bark is a no no to me and a shock collar is used..
    Shhhhitttt I got this hold my beer

  7. #6
    Join Date
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    Where the road ends

    Re: Dutch shepherd

    Quote Originally Posted by tigrr View Post
    It is young enough to train still. If you are the alfa it will follow what you say. You will have to train it in your ways of dealing with noise and other people. Did I say TRAIN IT enough?
    I agree training and more , has to listen and follow my lead ..
    Shhhhitttt I got this hold my beer

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Where the road ends

    Re: Dutch shepherd

    So the dog has some protection training and French ring but kinda same thing . Anyone ever owned one on this site
    Shhhhitttt I got this hold my beer

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Dutch shepherd

    Husky I’m right there with you ! For some lousy luck I have owned 3 homes next to neighbours that had yappy mutts . All 3 owners had the same mentality “ What not my dog , You mean Rex no not Rex “ !

    Had one neighbour wanted to open up a can of WoopAss on me ,that didn’t work out for him .

    The neighbour two homes down from me has 3 poodles ,yappy pathetic mutts that were barking constantly . I had enough one day and told them to shut them the hell up .
    He said mind your own business or things are going to get worse for you . Well I said “ that sounds like a threat to me “

    Maybe you would like to settle over fisti cuffs . Kept calling me Liittle man and a pussy .

    They were quiet for a couple of months then started up again so I told him to get the hell off his deck and bring them in .

    He says “ Shut up you little ( derogatory for a gay man ) !
    They have been not too bad lately . The owner is a real mouthpiece !
    The thing is I love dogs and had them growing up but yappers not my cup of tea
    My apologies for the derail !
    Goid luck with your future pet !
    Arctic Lake
    Quote Originally Posted by Husky7mm View Post
    The pros are its dutch so probably works hard and has a brain. The cons are it barks like a Shepard……. So annoying. My neighbours Belgian shepherd barks all day and night long at people on there own property….. I like in an a acreage subdivision with 3 to 6 acre parcels and its on one of 4 different fence lines barking……… drives me nuts. Used to like the Shepard breed. Anyways just a little rant. I am sure you are a much better dog owner than my neighbour, so good luck on your new venture.
    Last edited by Arctic Lake; 01-10-2025 at 03:09 PM.
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  10. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Where the road ends

    Re: Dutch shepherd

    Quote Originally Posted by Arctic Lake View Post
    Husky I’m right there with you ! For some lousy luck I have owned 3 homes next to neighbours that had yappy mutts . All 3 owners had the same mentality “ What not my dog , You mean Rex no not Rex “ !

    Had one neighbour wanted to open up a can of WoopAss on me ,that didn’t work out for him .

    The neighbour two homes down from me has 3 poodles ,yappy pathetic mutts that were barking constantly . I had enough one day and told them to shut them the hell up .
    He said mind your own business or things are going to get worse for you . Well I said “ that sounds like a threat to me “

    Maybe you would like to settle over fisti cuffs . Kept calling me Liittle man and a pussy .

    They were quiet for a couple of months then started up again so I told him to get the hell off his deck and bring them in .

    He says “ Shut up you little ( derogatory for a gay man ) !
    They have been not too bad lately . The owner is a real mouthpiece !
    The thing is I love dogs and had them growing up but yappers not my cup of tea
    My apologies for the derail !
    Goid luck with your future pet !
    Arctic Lake
    No I agree artic , yappin dogs all time drives me nuts . It's one thing if there someone in your yard that's not supposed to be but to just let your dog bark all time is ridiculous..
    Shhhhitttt I got this hold my beer

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Burns Lake BC

    Re: Dutch shepherd

    If I were you I would go for it!!
    They do have beautiful colors and are very trainable. A little rough around infants. But most big dogs have an infant tail wagging knock over infant problem.
    I wish I was 30 years younger.
    The challenge of retirement is how to spend time without spending money.
    The worst day slinging lead is still better than the best day working.
    Look around is there someone you can introduce to shooting because that’s the only way we will buck the anti gun trend sweeping Canada! "tigrr 2006"

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