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Thread: Record bull elk in WA State

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Prince George

    Re: Record bull elk in WA State

    Quote Originally Posted by wallz View Post
    Just read more of the story this am.

    I guess the guy was paying off the farm that "raised" it. They were constantly feeding it, and collecting the drops each year. Just happens to pay the farmer off to pose with the drops, and pays the farmer to have the chance to coax the bull off the farm
    Where did you read this? I’ve seen nothing about it being other than an urban bull. Yes the guy is rich, but this is nothing compared to the Spider Bull “hunter”. He got the tag in random draw that anybody could buy as many $6 entires as they wanted. No idea how many he bought, but that’s beside the point t.

    Everytime a really spectacular animal is taken, the vague references and hints at illegal or immoral activity start to percolate.
    I harvest carrots. I kill animals.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Re: Record bull elk in WA State

    It’s pretty interesting reading on some of the other sites. Sounds like a lot of the elk in certain areas of Washington come down to winter near towns after spending most of the year in the hills. In one location there is a viewing area where they feed the elk called Oak Creek wildlife station. It is allegedly one of the best areas in the USA to view elk. Most of the elk in the surrounding region were transplanted from Yellowstone in the early 1900s and reintroduced to areas historically thought to have herds.
    The Rocky Mountains is the Marrow of the World
    "Ain't this somethin'? I told my pap and mam I was going to be a mountain man; acted like they was gut-shot. "Make your life go here, son. Here's where the people is. Them mountains is for Indians and wild men." "Mother Gue", I says "the Rocky Mountains is the marrow of the world," and by God, I was right. Keep your nose in the wind and your eye along the skyline."

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Prince George

    Re: Record bull elk in WA State

    Quote Originally Posted by Ambush View Post
    Where did you read this? I’ve seen nothing about it being other than an urban bull. Yes the guy is rich, but this is nothing compared to the Spider Bull “hunter”. He got the tag in random draw that anybody could buy as many $6 entires as they wanted. No idea how many he bought, but that’s beside the point t.

    Everytime a really spectacular animal is taken, the vague references and hints at illegal or immoral activity start to percolate.

    Was showing up in a few different face book feeds the other day. I guess a local guy was ranting on about it and trying to get the real story out after hearing the original "great hunter" story bs that was 1st out.

  4. #24
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    Prince George

    Re: Record bull elk in WA State

    Quote Originally Posted by wallz View Post
    Was showing up in a few different face book feeds the other day. I guess a local guy was ranting on about it and trying to get the real story out after hearing the original "great hunter" story bs that was 1st out.
    I don't put much stock in a facebook rant from a obviously envious local.

    The hunter has an archery Super Slam. He's killed a pile of giant bulls and has passed up more 350" plus bulls than any twenty combined of the ranting class have seen. He has money and time on his side for sure and with his reputation, I highly doubt he's going to risk all that for just one animal. This is not some one-off by a poacher looking to cash in.

    But anyway, given its potential to become the new world record for both Pope&Young and B&C, it will be very well scrutinized by both orgs and many others. The truth will come out, whether some people like the truth or not.
    I harvest carrots. I kill animals.

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Re: Record bull elk in WA State

    I hunt bucks in crown land directly adjacent to farm fields. That is my plan. To find bucks getting fat on hay and sleeping across the road in the bush. To get the bucks off the private to where they can be shot legally. Is that fair chase? Am i cheating? I put bait out trying to attract and keep bucks there in front of cameras. Legal, but fair chase? I just posted a few weeks ago about grunting a buck off a piece of private land on to my buddies land and shot the buck. Was that "wrong"?

    You hunt where the animals are.

  6. #26
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    Re: Record bull elk in WA State


  7. #27
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    Re: Record bull elk in WA State

    Quote Originally Posted by snowhater View Post

    Wow, what a beautiful bull. Is that in Kimberly?
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  8. #28
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    Re: Record bull elk in WA State

    Snowhater is that where the bull was shot. Or is that just two pics amongst the thousands that many people have taken over the few years since he’s been huge and noticeable.

    Or were they specifically selected by a Facebook/instagram/tiktok wannabe attention seeker to bring down the hunter and cause drama?

    PS: I know the answer and the page you’ve copied.
    I harvest carrots. I kill animals.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2023

    Re: Record bull elk in WA State

    Just off FB, thought I would share. Seems there is more to the story??

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Prince George

    Re: Record bull elk in WA State

    Quote Originally Posted by snowhater View Post
    Just off FB, thought I would share. Seems there is more to the story??
    Like what? I'd be interested to know any facts about some impropriety/illegality. I'm sure B&C and P&Y and the Washington DNR would be too.
    I harvest carrots. I kill animals.

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