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Thread: Record bull elk in WA State

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Record bull elk in WA State

    With a bow no less! Awesome animal, congrats to the hunter.
    "When you judge another you don't define them, you define yourself."

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Record bull elk in WA State

    Lots of stuff coming out online that this was a semi tame town bull and he had to bait it out of town limits. Sounds like some pretty hardcore hunting to me..
    Only shoot small bulls near the road

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Record bull elk in WA State

    Quote Originally Posted by JoeSixPack View Post
    Lots of stuff coming out online that this was a semi tame town bull and he had to bait it out of town limits. Sounds like some pretty hardcore hunting to me..
    A legal kill is one we would all be grateful for. Unless this bull is discovered to be poached- I say congrats to this hunter on a world class animal.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    The mighty peace

    Re: Record bull elk in WA State

    Its a stunning specimen of a bull elk, that is for sure. I kinda have mixed feelings about deserving it. The guy is obviously a phenomenal elk hunter when you read his resume. Killed almost 90 bull elk via bow alone, got 12 that go over 400, and when the opportunity came to take this one he was worried the antlers weren’t as big as he thought because the body was so huge. Just seems a little gluttonous to me. I will never understand as I will never be in those boots. Maybe I’m jealous, IDK. When has a guy shot enough elk, or enough 1 in a life time elk? I’ve met people that have come north for 7 plus years straight for and elk and never connected. Even though they are trying to kill all my elk ( lol), I feel bad for them and throw them a bone if I can. I’ve met people so proud of their “big” bull elk they mounted that 5 point rag horn, and good for them. At least they didnt have to shoot 90 of them to scratch the itch or wonder if a 490 BC was worth the tag. Lol Flame away…..
    If the world is warming why are there so many new snowflakes?

    If we are all equal why do you demand special treatment?

    You can not comply your way out of tyranny.

    Fire them ALL!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
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    Re: Record bull elk in WA State

    Crazy Bull forsure! I would say the story seems a little suspicious not in a poaching way (though it could be if it was mainly a town bull) but just in a exaggeration/braggart way. I would have to wonder what time of year the town photos are, just in winter or summer as well so did he just winter there or is it like a real full on town bull, would depend I guess where he was finding those sheds.

    Even if he did bring that thing out of town limits with salt or feed and thats legal there like it is here he outwitted and outsmarted the Bull and got it legally with a bow and had sets of his previous sheds then congrats and right on! I wouldnt pass that thing up if it was close to a town legally, off a logging road, 500 meters from a road or 5-15km back or fly in, things a specimen for sure. Hopefully it beat the Spider Bull just cause the army of guys that guy sent out and got waken up out of a trailer when other guys found it so he could get up and shoot it (if its true, the spider bull story) is lame, supposedly this guy was watching this thing himself for a long time which requires work so good on ya nice Bull.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Record bull elk in WA State

    Holy sh**t that is huge

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Prince George BC

    Re: Record bull elk in WA State

    Just by reading the article it would seem he is an exceptionally PRIVILAGED hunter. Shooting that many bulls over a lifetime means that he's shooting multiple bulls each year, which means he's traveling to other states to hunt. Also, it states he had the "coveted" tag in hand, the Governors Shoot the biggest bull tag, usually bid on through an auction. He and his "friends" (people likely on some form of payroll) had been tracking it for years, ie. raising the bull with the perfect feed and grooming it to be a giant. There's a lot you can read between the lines if you know what to look for. Was it a legal kill? Most likely. Was it the same opportunity that the common man would have? On public land that is actually accessible to other hunters? Likely not. I'm sure he put in the time like it says, but if you're retired and living off a hefty bank account the amount of time you have to go into the field makes the field time of some of us "weekend warriors" with family commitments seem like a cruel joke. And yes, I'm a little jealous. Any of us would love to be in his position.
    The spider bull was another example of a hunter with deep enough pockets to "buy" a trophy.
    Now the next guy is going to have to have an even bigger budget to outdo it. Eventually all records will be held by rich guys that have animals raised on farms with hormones to help grow big horns and then "found in the wild"
    Member of the CCFR, but not a "Violent Extremist"

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    As far back as my feet will get me.

    Re: Record bull elk in WA State

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdoggdon View Post
    Just by reading the article it would seem he is an exceptionally PRIVILAGED hunter. Shooting that many bulls over a lifetime means that he's shooting multiple bulls each year, which means he's traveling to other states to hunt. Also, it states he had the "coveted" tag in hand, the Governors Shoot the biggest bull tag, usually bid on through an auction.
    Definitely. Still congrats on the bull but reminds me of these grandslams, the trad longbow/recurve is actually impressive but even then the amount of guys who can not afford the luxury of the logistics and finances to do that doesnt make it as impressive, a lot more guys would be added to that list if it were feasible, especially now adays with the outrageous prices of chit.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Prince George

    Re: Record bull elk in WA State

    Just read more of the story this am.

    I guess the guy was paying off the farm that "raised" it. They were constantly feeding it, and collecting the drops each year. Just happens to pay the farmer off to pose with the drops, and pays the farmer to have the chance to coax the bull off the farm to shoot it.

    NOT much hunting there, and sounds more like pocket hunting, $$$$?

    Yea great bull, but why go through all that trouble to write up such a great hunt story, when there was no great hunt involved, just payouts???

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    As far back as my feet will get me.

    Re: Record bull elk in WA State

    Quote Originally Posted by wallz View Post
    Just read more of the story this am.

    I guess the guy was paying off the farm that "raised" it. They were constantly feeding it, and collecting the drops each year. Just happens to pay the farmer off to pose with the drops, and pays the farmer to have the chance to coax the bull off the farm to shoot it.

    NOT much hunting there, and sounds more like pocket hunting, $$$$?

    Yea great bull, but why go through all that trouble to write up such a great hunt story, when there was no great hunt involved, just payouts???
    Damn, if all thats true its turning into as bad as the spider bull. Whats with these Elk hunters doin this chit dont hear this as much with other species usally? Heard it about Mulie before but they dont seem to get the #1s, mind you the #1 boone and crockett mulies for typ and non typ goin strong since 1920s I believe and 1960s

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