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Thread: Noob looking to buy a bow

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2022

    Noob looking to buy a bow

    Hey i'm looking to buy a compound bow,i shot a lot when i was a kid up in Prince George at the archery club under the Yellowhead Inn.

    But that was 35 years ago and i have no clue what i'm looking at these days.

    I'm looking at bows and a lot have an adjustable draw length,my draw length is 30.4"(76" /2.5=30.4")

    Does the d-loop add .5" of length,ie. could i shoot a bow with a 30" draw and a .5" d loop.

    Looking at bows in the $1000,just the bow.

    Any recommendations would be appreciated.

    Currently looking at a used Bear Execute 30.max draw length 30"


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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Noob looking to buy a bow

    Look on Archerytalk classified sections or join Facebook archery buy sell group Canada ! Lots of good deals on there.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    skeena river valley

    Re: Noob looking to buy a bow

    I don't know if its normal or not but I use to draw 30+ inches with a finger held compound and now after not shooting for quite a few years and 2 rotator cuff injuries my new compound bow (Hoyt Alpha X 30) with release I'm at 28.5 inch draw length. I suspect age and shoulder injuries play in the difference for the most part though??

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: Noob looking to buy a bow

    You can adjust it a little with the D loop, but things will be different depending on the release you use, your anchor point etc.
    My draw length measures about 29.5 but I have a really short DLoop and when I switched to a handheld release (nock 2 it), it’s really short so I ended up going to a 30” draw length.

    I wouldn’t recommend buying a Bear bow. I’d lean towards a PSE, Matthews or Hoyt.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2022

    Re: Noob looking to buy a bow

    Thanks for the responses.

    I think i need some thing with some adjust ability to figure out my draw length,up to 31".

    I'm going to keep my eyes open for a used setup,and it looks like i'll be spending more than i initially thought,what a surprise.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    East Koots

    Re: Noob looking to buy a bow

    A couple years back I jumped back into archery after a lengthy absence. I don't keep up on archery tackle anymore at all, so there could be a lot better options out there but,..... I picked up a PSE Embark. The bare bow was just under your $1000 price point. My draw length is similar to yours, and it is draw length adjustable. There are probably shorter, faster, lighter bows out there but this one ticked all the boxes for me and I am completely happy with it. From what I can see they no longer have it in their lineup but must have something similar now.

    When I jumped back in I went to a recommended shop and had the owner fit me and set up the bow. Years ago I did all that stuff myself, but I tell you when you have someone that knows what they are doing, have all the right equipment, and can look and see what you are doing it's the cat's a$$. I spent an hour or two and walked out the door with a bow that was set up perfectly for me and was a dream to shoot. Easy Peasy, money well spent (didn't charge me for anything more than the equipment)

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2022

    Re: Noob looking to buy a bow

    Well i went a little over budget,it's going to be a while before i have it setup as i just bought a bare bow.

    So i pulled the trigger on this one.

    So what are the recommendations for rests,sights and releases,all opinions are welcome.

    Budget friendly is also welcome as i spent more on the bow than intended,i'm hoping it will keep me happy for years to come without feeling the need to upgrade.

    If you have any used components feel free to message me.

    Super happy to be getting back into a bow again.

    Happy New Year

    Last edited by rideonjon; 01-01-2025 at 11:08 AM.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    skeena river valley

    Re: Noob looking to buy a bow

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: Noob looking to buy a bow

    something to be said about a basic no frill whisker biscuit for a rest, less moving parts to cause potential issues in the bush, if thats where ya plan to take it that is!

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2022

    Re: Noob looking to buy a bow

    Yes the intention for the bow is to extend my hunting season,i only started rifle hunting 3 years ago(I'm 48 yrs old).

    Year 1 -skunked
    Year 2- muley buck
    Year 3-muley buck,black bear

    i'm playing catch up,i don't mind spending time in the field scouting,but i would rather have a means to harvest if the opportunity presents itself.

    If it means i scout during archery season that is fine with me.

    Plus there are extra seasons on some of the Gulf Islands close to me that are archery only,so that's a bonus.

    I'm open to whatever works best in the field be it a drop away rest or a whisker biscuit.

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