Using Tarsal Glands as attractant/increase general Deer activity
Got some tarsal glands from rutting Blacktail from November, i'm really trying to get a certain Buck hes definitely wise and smart. Ive known about him for 3 years now 1st year becoming aware I took a shot and missed with my bow. I seen him twice last month at 15 yards and then 10 yards (long story). Its becoming quite the circus with me and this Buck.
Have you guys used these glands with any success? How did you use them? I hear guys cutting them and hanging on branches, tying to boots etc.
This is for a Blacktail Buck so if anyone has direct experience with them doing this that is better, but wouldn't mind hearing of any success with Mulie or WT too.
Re: Using Tarsal Glands as attractant/increase general Deer activity
Sounds like you are getting the sightings already, just need a different set-up maybe?
Have had bucks follow a scent trail from natural tarsals and store-bought scents but it doesn't make them jump into your pocket
I don't think they are smart or intelligent but they do get wary from encounters that they don't like so changing things up is important for re-matches
Glad to say I have hunted Northern BC
Simon Fraser had pretty good judgement on what he found in BC
Re: Using Tarsal Glands as attractant/increase general Deer activity
Originally Posted by high horse Hal
Sounds like you are getting the sightings already, just need a different set-up maybe?
Have had bucks follow a scent trail from natural tarsals and store-bought scents but it doesn't make them jump into your pocket
I don't think they are smart or intelligent but they do get wary from encounters that they don't like so changing things up is important for re-matches
Yeah I rattled him in in 2022 that was when I missed he didnt see me but when I reached for another arrow (quiver on ground, now its on my bow year round) he heard it and left.
Last year didnt see any bucks there but got close to an unkown deer that was with does but never laid eyes on it, from my tcam pics I think it was him. I think I rattled and went there too much last year.
This year doing this better and obviously getting closer, I think he may start declining next year.
I got two different tarsal glands one buck from that area and a 3 point from a different area, thinkin about usin the 3 point from the different area because the 4 pointer im after will know the buck from his area but this 3 pointer will be an unknown intruder thinkin maybe thats a better bet and I know it wont make em jump in my lap but this Buck uses many trails in this area but there is 1 main one that is his favourite and he uses it to come from a certain somewhere to go somewhere in the area and i'm going to put it in a really good set up in a perfect location on that trail, might make his activity a little more frequent hopefully prolong it a bit because I think he is going to go back into his hiding core area pretty quick
Re: Using Tarsal Glands as attractant/increase general Deer activity
Oh man you know whats sh**ty I just thought of, I know Deer use their pre orbital glands to rub scent on branches, I was doin one of the skulls last month and noticed some ear wax lookin stuff in the gland, and I pulled it out of both sides with a coat hanger and it was like a big glob of an earwax substance. Well I just found out thats what the gland produces and thats what they are rubbing onto branches when they pre orbital rub. I threw it out not knowing any better, next time im going to put those in a pill bottle and use that too see how it works. Looked identical to a huge chunk of earwax.