Hello Everyone,
Was at a get together the other night and was talking to one of the dads. He said that after going 3 years in a row road hunting and walking the timber he tried something differently and has always been successful. Wondering if any of you try this
Basically he goes up to the area before its open to do some scouting. He has been hunting the area so he knows roughly where the animals are. If he can't find any sign he puts up a pop up blind. Covers it up with some brush so its ready... Puts up a game cam and a note if anyone finds the blind that says - I am using this but if I am not here feel free to use it and keep it clean.
He then comes back in 3 weeks for deer season.. Hikes in before first light... stays in until last light and it usually takes him a max of 3-4 days and he gets his deer. He said he has seen hunters walk around the general area and they don't even see the blind. Hears road hunters coming from miles away.... In fact he had one hunter take a poop in his view.. he didn't want to startle the guy so he just left him do his thing.
He loves this as fuel prices are cut in half and he gets his game.
So. my question... I know its common in archery but do any of you do this with the rifles. I have noticed I have had to work a lot harder for my game in the past 5 years and am considering this.... Thoughts.?