That’s a great trip you had srThomas ! I liked the story and the pictures . You guys were styling wearing your Stanfields !
Arctic Lake
That’s a great trip you had srThomas ! I liked the story and the pictures . You guys were styling wearing your Stanfields !
Arctic Lake
Member of CCFR Would encourage you all to join today !
Read Teddy Roosevelt “ The Man In The Arena “ !
Nice! Especially when it all works out that well.
One thing that I dread most is that your hunting partner has to leave sooner for his work/family commitment. one can certainly appreicate it. However, it takes most of the joy off from the hunt. That is why I would not go with other hunters/partners for an importan hunt. The only exception is that I can go with my children, which means I have to send them back for the Monday school.
Life is too short and time goes too fast. Hunt, hunt, and hunt....
Great tale & pix!
Well Done all round!
Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.
Guess he got to Know me
Congrats. Going to be eating real good
Check my Youtube Channel for fishing and hunting videos
I think I know what you’re saying but I hope that you don’t fully think that way. My wife reminds me how I don’t show empathy. But when your hunting partner of 30 years,( best friend of 40+ ) has a terminal diagnosis and wants to go on our annual trip you make concessions/ arrangements to make that happen. To me a shortened trip with someone you love being around is far better than not having them there at all. Our core group on this trip has been together for about 20 years now.
I would hope that your friends would do what it takes to include you instead of considering you a burden when you aren’t up to the tasks yourself.
( btw, he had a funeral to attend on Sunday and my daughter wanted me to pick her up from a camp on Sunday )
I can feel that you have a good group of buddies. I wish your hunting parter can overcome the cancer. There are too many unpleasent early returns in my hunting trips that I decided enough is enough. Anyway, I enjoy your posts and congrats to your group's success. I was in your area (If I guess it right) more than 12 years ago with my hunting buddy. We did not get the moose. It was not a happy camp then. A few years later, when that partner was diagnosed with brain cancer (which was later found to be cuased by the lung cancer), I drove him to Royal Jubilee hospital for the treatments. If he were alive today, I would still not go with him for any hunting trip. Too much stress to be around him.
Life is too short and time goes too fast. Hunt, hunt, and hunt....
update: We've been home from this trip for a bit now and have had a chance to try a bunch of our cuts. Everything that we've tried has been good. All of it has been quite tasty.
nice trip congrats
Right on great to hear...