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Thread: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

    At this point, CWD that affects deer, elk and moose is not infectious to humans from studies that have been made available to the public. However, what if it becomes infectious to livestock such as cattle for instance? There are a lot of cattle which are put on crown land to graze so if it started infecting them this would become a nightmare for the cattle industry. Think about the Avian Flu virus and the devastating effect it has had on the poultry industry.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    where ever I am.....

    Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

    Still waiting on results submitted Nov 14th …. Pending… typical government process … ps they don’t like it when you email them and express your concern that they are inefficient … laugh out loud

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Prince George

    Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

    This is an interesting topic. I was listening to an interview with Steven Rinella recently and he said there’s a lot of debate right now on CWD management.
    The big fear of CWD is that it will reduce Cervid populations, so a management strategy is to reduce Cervid populations on purpose to hopefully prevent or slow the spread.
    Apparently in practice there is no clear evidence that this is slowing the spread and it’s definitely not preventing the spread. He says there hasn’t been any Cervid populations anywhere that CWD has been eradicated. So the debate going on is whether the management strategy is doing the same as what CWD is feared to do without changing any outcomes.

  4. #44
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    Prince George

    Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

    Rinella also said the origin of CWD is unknown, but it was first detected in a Mule deer in a Colorado research facility in the 1960’s.

  5. #45
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    Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

    Quote Originally Posted by mod7rem View Post
    Rinella also said the origin of CWD is unknown, but it was first detected in a Mule deer in a Colorado research facility in the 1960’s.
    Sure, but he probably meant “how did it come to be in THAT mule deer”.

    And I tend to agree that mass culls likely have little effect on CWD, and while you can say 100% for certain that dead deer won’t get it, you can’t say 100% for certain that the deer you cull would have gotten it or spread it if you didn’t cull them.

    Basically, ungulates are for sure going to die from CWD. Having unnaturally high density populations like we see in “urban” settings like Cranbrook or Grand Forks, or Penticton are not going to help, but mass slaughter isn’t necessarily going to prevent the spread except among the dead.
    If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?

    BHA, BCWF, CCFR, PETA, Lever Action Addict.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Nov 2022

    Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

    Quote Originally Posted by Redthies View Post
    Sure, but he probably meant “how did it come to be in THAT mule deer”.

    And I tend to agree that mass culls likely have little effect on CWD, and while you can say 100% for certain that dead deer won’t get it, you can’t say 100% for certain that the deer you cull would have gotten it or spread it if you didn’t cull them.

    Basically, ungulates are for sure going to die from CWD. Having unnaturally high density populations like we see in “urban” settings like Cranbrook or Grand Forks, or Penticton are not going to help, but mass slaughter isn’t necessarily going to prevent the spread except among the dead.
    Prion diseases occur spontaneously in humans and other animals, all the time. Proteins can misfold, and by sheer chance these sometimes are 'infectious' leading to what we refer to as prion disease. Who knows if it started in that deer, or another, but it can quirk literally appear out of nowhere.

  7. #47
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    Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

    Quote Originally Posted by Redthies View Post
    Sure, but he probably meant “how did it come to be in THAT mule deer”.

    And I tend to agree that mass culls likely have little effect on CWD, and while you can say 100% for certain that dead deer won’t get it, you can’t say 100% for certain that the deer you cull would have gotten it or spread it if you didn’t cull them.

    Basically, ungulates are for sure going to die from CWD. Having unnaturally high density populations like we see in “urban” settings like Cranbrook or Grand Forks, or Penticton are not going to help, but mass slaughter isn’t necessarily going to prevent the spread except among the dead.
    It is not a mystery, though unprovable now.

    The best guess is that the deer in the disease research facility contracted prions from scrapies infected sheep that were also being studied there.
    In other words, we actually know which Exact deer CWD originated from.

    Some of these infected deer were release into the wild right out of the facilities gates.
    Others were sold to game farms and zoos.
    And here we are....

  8. #48
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    Prince George

    Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

    Quote Originally Posted by Walking Buffalo View Post
    It is not a mystery, though unprovable now.

    The best guess is that the deer in the disease research facility contracted prions from scrapies infected sheep that were also being studied there.
    In other words, we actually know which Exact deer CWD originated from.

    Some of these infected deer were release into the wild right out of the facilities gates.
    Others were sold to game farms and zoos.
    And here we are....
    How do we explain CWD in reindeer herds thousands of miles and an ocean away?

    There is credible speculation that CWD has been present for many years before it was discovered in Colorado. That just happens to be where it was first recorded sixty years ago.
    I harvest carrots. I kill animals.

  9. #49
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    Oct 2007

    Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ambush View Post
    How do we explain CWD in reindeer herds thousands of miles and an ocean away?

    There is credible speculation that CWD has been present for many years before it was discovered in Colorado. That just happens to be where it was first recorded sixty years ago.
    I pointed this out a while back. When the Government tells you there's a problem which can only be detected by them and thus rectified by them, yet requires you to modify certain behaviors to achieve this end, you're most likely being lied to by your government. Not to say that CWD isn't something deer have, just that it may be something they've always had. After all. We've always known it's pretty much something they've always had and that it's not transmisable to humans. So why do we care now?
    Last edited by 180grainer; 01-24-2025 at 08:48 PM.
    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

    Collectivism is Slavery

    Support a Woman's right to arm herself.

    January 28th

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ambush View Post
    How do we explain CWD in reindeer herds thousands of miles and an ocean away?

    There is credible speculation that CWD has been present for many years before it was discovered in Colorado. That just happens to be where it was first recorded sixty years ago.

    It depends on what you personally require as proof.

    This has many similarities to Covid and lab vs wild.....

    The European CWD is a significantly different variant.
    It probably is Indigenous to that area.

    The American CWD while having developed variants over the last 60 years, are all traceable to the Colorado lab.

    Saskatchewan's CWD came from imported game farm animals, which transferred to wild populations.
    Alberta's CWD came from Saskatchewan, the first wild CWD deer in Alberta came from a few miles inside of Saskatchewan, where the wild deer were infected from a local game farm.

    CWD in the States has followed the same course.
    States that have tested negative for CWD in wild populations then find CWD in Game farm animals that have been imported...
    Then they find CWD in wild game right by the game farm....

    While this may not be sufficient "proof" to some, some things can't be proven when evidence is missing and can't be retrieved.
    Follow Accom's razor.... KISS principal, keep it simple stupid.

    You say there is credible speculation....
    What makes this speculation credible?

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