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Thread: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

  1. #11
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    Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

    Quote Originally Posted by 180grainer View Post
    Prior to this you thought prions were something you sauteed in butter and garlic.
    If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?

    BHA, BCWF, CCFR, PETA, Lever Action Addict.

  2. #12
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    Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

  3. #13
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    Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

    I can't help but distrust this whole issue as it relates to a deer cull in cranbrook and kimberley. they say they have tested animals locally however NOT one of the urban deer have been tested or if they have, not one has been positively identified. They also indicate that they utilize the road kill animals etc to check for CWD. this is simply not always true, in fact there are a lot of deer, elk laying in the ditches, between here and kimberley that are not being collected for examination, in fact some of the deer killed by cars in cranbrook end up in the dump, when I asked them, (the Co service, the BCWF) I got the old response, we don't have the resources or budget to collect them all... however they have a budget to kill 200 deer between the 2 citys? I call BS, they are using the CWD as a way to cull urban deer. The other issue is , doing the research it has been confirmed the culls don't work, look at Alberta, the USA, The prions don't disappear with the death of the deer.. it can be in soils etc as we have all been told, They also say it can come in in the feed coming from infected areas, such as Hay from Alberta, do you see that stopping? nope. I understand the seriousness of CWD however it feels like it's being used as scare tactics etc to facilitate a cull of urban deer, and with literally NO evidence whatsoever of humans being harmed by this... they put it out there that it might happen if you consume... again with zero evidence. I am willing to bet there has been some infected deer consumed by many with no issues, their own literature, states, they can not detect it in the meat, only in the brain or spinal column. so it doesn't get into the meat I presume or they could check animals harvested. I sent emails to the BCWF and their response is they support the cull , which I am disappointed in, and they too fall back to the budget, lack of resources excuses. any way I'm sure some of you will disagree with me however, it's not all black and white, I don't trust the mismanagement of wildlife in BC.

  4. #14
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    Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

    In other areas, urban deer have higher rates of CWD. They live in unnaturally close proximity to one another which facilitates spread of disease. Why do you think Cranbrook/Kimberley will be any different? I think the cull is a good thing. Even if it's not in the city deer yet, we should cull them before it becomes an epicenter.

    I read a news article on it today where they described the cull as a 'sampling', lol - trying to sugar coat the fact that it'll be a slaughter. Gave me a chuckle. Too bad they aren't allowing local hunters in on it. I'd love to harvest one of those big mulie bucks that saunter around town, tauntingly.
    Last edited by KootenayKiller; 12-22-2024 at 02:46 PM.

  5. #15
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    Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

    The article. I prefer to hand feed them rather than shoot them, woops, dissregard that! Never fed a deer in my life. They are very careful thru the whole thing NOT to mention the deer have to be killed to be tested. Guessing someone will twig and the shit will start..
    Last edited by snowhater; 12-22-2024 at 03:09 PM.

  6. #16
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    Arrow Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.


    The urban deer do not belong there, they should be eradicated.

    The potential of a fast spread of CWD among a tightly knit and reasonably large population of urban deer is very real.
    And it has a good potential of spreading that to populations outside of urban areas.

    Nuke 'Em.


    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  7. #17
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    Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

    See that’s part of the point they aren’t truthful in the reasoning for the cull, they glam on to the cwd issue to facilitate it and your right they indicate they will test a hundred deer . Put it out there they plan on killing 100 deer in Cranbrook , then see how many people lose their poop. Also they indicate they can’t test yearlings yet I’m betting they kill them too . I’ve got some dandy whitey bucks in my yard , would love to have taken however my 4 acres is in city limits so .., I just watch them gonna hate to see them gone , learn lots about whitetail behaviour watching them ! Never mind the doe that’s lived here longer than I have , watched her raise 2 babies every year for the last 6 years, wife named her Rosie , she lives comfortably here , but bet she gets whacked kinda a shame .

  8. #18
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    Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.


    The urban deer do not belong there, they should be eradicated.

    The potential of a fast spread of CWD among a tightly knit and reasonably large population of urban deer is very real.
    And it has a good potential of spreading that to populations outside of urban areas.

    Nuke 'Em.

    maybe we should stop building f#^^ golf courses and subdivisions where they used to winter every year , my dad used to hunt deer where they still live , the difference? This was not “town” then so it is not like they moved in , we did .., they’ve adapted it’s us that aren’t .

  9. #19
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    Arrow Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

    Quote Originally Posted by beeugle View Post
    maybe we should stop building f#^^ golf courses and subdivisions where they used to winter every year , my dad used to hunt deer where they still live , the difference? This was not “town” then so it is not like they moved in , we did .., they’ve adapted it’s us that aren’t .
    While I concur with your thoughts regarding habitat loss and our taking that over, I still firmly believe the urban deer should be nuked.

    Obviously your mileage may vary...


    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  10. #20
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    Nov 2022

    Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

    Quote Originally Posted by beeugle View Post
    See that’s part of the point they aren’t truthful in the reasoning for the cull, they glam on to the cwd issue to facilitate it and your right they indicate they will test a hundred deer . Put it out there they plan on killing 100 deer in Cranbrook , then see how many people lose their poop. Also they indicate they can’t test yearlings yet I’m betting they kill them too . I’ve got some dandy whitey bucks in my yard , would love to have taken however my 4 acres is in city limits so .., I just watch them gonna hate to see them gone , learn lots about whitetail behaviour watching them ! Never mind the doe that’s lived here longer than I have , watched her raise 2 babies every year for the last 6 years, wife named her Rosie , she lives comfortably here , but bet she gets whacked kinda a shame .
    Even if there was zero testing done, they should be eradicated for the reasons Iron Noggin pointed out. It's not natural habitat, there are no predators or hunters to keep them in check, and it is a disaster waiting to happen. If you love the wild deer, elk, and moose, you should support the cull.

    The loss of key wintering habitat is indeed a problem. I don't think this is really relevant to the issue of CWD spread, though.

    One of the local COs told me that anywhere a positive case is detected, they go in and "nuke" the area. Really wonder how effective they are with these culls though. It's BS that they don't involve hunters, it would be free and probably way more effective. They just toss all the carcasses in the dump too, its an absolutely shameful waste.
    Last edited by KootenayKiller; 12-22-2024 at 09:38 PM.

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