Re: New case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in B.C.

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Rinella also said the origin of CWD is unknown, but it was first detected in a Mule deer in a Colorado research facility in the 1960’s.
Sure, but he probably meant “how did it come to be in THAT mule deer”.
And I tend to agree that mass culls likely have little effect on CWD, and while you can say 100% for certain that dead deer won’t get it, you can’t say 100% for certain that the deer you cull would have gotten it or spread it if you didn’t cull them.
Basically, ungulates are for sure going to die from CWD. Having unnaturally high density populations like we see in “urban” settings like Cranbrook or Grand Forks, or Penticton are not going to help, but mass slaughter isn’t necessarily going to prevent the spread except among the dead.
If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?
BHA, BCWF, CCFR, PETA, Lever Action Addict.