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Thread: If you bought a moose or caribou licence you MUST REPORT

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: If you bought a moose or caribou licence you MUST REPORT

    Quote Originally Posted by j270wsm View Post
    Shouldn’t this result in the ministry reducing opportunity due to a lack of animals?
    Exactly......that's what I was trying to get across earlier... those who do this are reducing opportunity for everyone not FN..

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: If you bought a moose or caribou licence you MUST REPORT

    Are they reducing opportunity or hoping the gov will make some changes to help regrow a struggling herd?

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Re: If you bought a moose or caribou licence you MUST REPORT

    I guess it's easier & less costly to keep surveying hunters & making reports mandatory vs actually hiring more biologists or any kind of staff or initiatives to properly account for animal populations. Our sport/hobby/passion is not exactly on the priority list for the bureaucrats in their Ivory Tower in Victoria. Can't really blame the biologists and our corps of Conservation Officers for being underfunded & understaffed.

    As far as reporting, I do my best to be honest. It's pretty simple, sign in to your profile & find the tags you purchased online. Click report, done in minutes. There is also the BC Moose tracker app which allowed pretty well anyone to report moose sightings any time. But they haven't updated it for a number of years so as good as useless.

    Lower down on the page linked to are a couple more links to moose management initiatives by the government. Dated plan from 2015 & the other link is just as old. Shows just how low on the list of priorities wildlife management is.
    Last edited by mike31154; 11-25-2024 at 05:08 PM.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Vancouver Island

    Re: If you bought a moose or caribou licence you MUST REPORT

    Quote Originally Posted by HappyJack View Post
    Neither do he wolves, bears or cats.....the data is virtually useless either way.
    Says every indian in BC, don't be so ignorant.
    Proud Member of Team Gold Bond

    Originally Posted by F***** D***
    some "people" tend to use the paneling in the living room to fuel their fires.
    Quote Originally Posted by hunter1947 View Post
    I think I do perrty good for only having grad 7 education

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: If you bought a moose or caribou licence you MUST REPORT

    Just did it online on the BC Gov website.
    Quick and easy.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Here and there.

    Re: If you bought a moose or caribou licence you MUST REPORT

    They didn’t ask how many dinky spike moose I passed up while looking for a nice trophy 2 point. When you ask vague questions you get vague data. Just as bad as the usual harvest questionnaires, and I haven’t filled one of them out since they intentionally stopped using science to manage wildlife.
    Pretend hunter.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    P.G. 7-15

    Re: If you bought a moose or caribou licence you MUST REPORT

    Quote Originally Posted by landphil View Post
    They didn’t ask how many dinky spike moose I passed up while looking for a nice trophy 2 point. When you ask vague questions you get vague data. Just as bad as the usual harvest questionnaires, and I haven’t filled one of them out since they intentionally stopped using science to manage wildlife.
    Yup only let me report moose, not any of the 4 other tags I purchased. Totally useless.

    Also the password I've been using the last 2 1/2 years is now not correct, HOW does that happen? And I don't have to redo my varafication until spring. All my passwords are written down in book and lock up so I know it's right.
    Last edited by MRP; 11-27-2024 at 08:00 AM.
    No one on their death bed ever said; I should have spent more time at work.

  8. #68
    Join Date
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    Region 4

    Re: If you bought a moose or caribou licence you MUST REPORT

    Quote Originally Posted by HarryToolips View Post
    I would normally have the same concern as you on this..but, they've also stated in the past (not directly related to moose hunting) that with inadequate data, they have to restrict seasons further so in this case, they'll have a tonne of data so hopefully they don't therefore restrict the seasons further..
    Inadequate data shouldnt fall on hunters, this is just an excuse for the government to do less studies. Where is our conservation money going if not to game numbers? I cant imagine the majority of people actually giving real data on those surveys anyways.
    - A hunter who doesn't bring home the meat is just an outdoor enthusiast

  9. #69
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Region 4

    Re: If you bought a moose or caribou licence you MUST REPORT

    Quote Originally Posted by mike31154 View Post
    I guess it's easier & less costly to keep surveying hunters & making reports mandatory vs actually hiring more biologists or any kind of staff or initiatives to properly account for animal populations. Our sport/hobby/passion is not exactly on the priority list for the bureaucrats in their Ivory Tower in Victoria. Can't really blame the biologists and our corps of Conservation Officers for being underfunded & understaffed.

    As far as reporting, I do my best to be honest. It's pretty simple, sign in to your profile & find the tags you purchased online. Click report, done in minutes. There is also the BC Moose tracker app which allowed pretty well anyone to report moose sightings any time. But they haven't updated it for a number of years so as good as useless.

    Lower down on the page linked to are a couple more links to moose management initiatives by the government. Dated plan from 2015 & the other link is just as old. Shows just how low on the list of priorities wildlife management is.
    What good are more biologists if they dont even use their own data? I remember in 2013 I heard a biologist talk about how they spend 1 million a year on bison research but then dont use any of their own data to influence the regulations. Then a few hundred people in BC want the grizzly bear hunt banned so they make it a political topic and ban it against all the science and research that says its good for conservation and grizzly numbers are increasing with the hunt. BC is still the only place I know of that has point restrictions for animals, everywhere else found out it leads to poor genetics and BC is one of the only places that allows rifle hunting during the rut. Whoever has been in charge of Wildlife management in BC should not have a job at this point, they have failed by basically every metric and this mandatory moose survey is just another virtue signal that they are trying to make it better, which it definitely wont.
    - A hunter who doesn't bring home the meat is just an outdoor enthusiast

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: If you bought a moose or caribou licence you MUST REPORT

    Quote Originally Posted by BearSupreme View Post
    Inadequate data shouldnt fall on hunters, this is just an excuse for the government to do less studies. Where is our conservation money going if not to game numbers? I cant imagine the majority of people actually giving real data on those surveys anyways.
    I definitely understand your point...and definitely agree that we need all our conservation money put back directly into the resource, it's egregious that it's not; I'll bet were the only govt entity that is doing that as well...we all need to start emailing our MLA's about that..

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