If you bought a moose or caribou licence you MUST REPORT
Most moose and caribou hunters I speak with are unaware of this new regulation.
Synopsis page 16 clearly states that if you bought a moose or caribou species licence you must submit a report of your hunting activity by 15 January. The report is required whether you were successful or not in your hunt or even if you did not hunt moose or caribou. This report must be on the Mandatory Hunter Report form and the obligation to report is not met by going to a Compulsory Inspection.
Failure to submit the Mandatory Hunter Report is an offense and the offender will not be able to purchase a licence or LEH application until the Report is submitted.
"The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are now outnumbered by those who vote for a living."
Re: If you bought a moose or caribou licence you MUST REPORT
Hawk. that would be a different report and not the required "Mandatory Hunter Report" form. The synopsis gives three options for meeting the reporting requirement:
1. electronically in WILD at your FWID,
2. in person at any FrontCounter BC office or
3. by Mail using an official Mandatory Hunter Report form.
All the details are on page 16 in the Synopsis. Anyone that purchased a Moose or Caribou species licence in 2024/2025 should read the details to ensure they do not commit an offence and lose their right to purchase licences in 2025.
"The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are now outnumbered by those who vote for a living."
Re: If you bought a moose or caribou licence you MUST REPORT
Originally Posted by dracb
Hawk. that would be a different report and not the required "Mandatory Hunter Report" form. The synopsis gives three options for meeting the reporting requirement:
1. electronically in WILD at your FWID,
2. in person at any FrontCounter BC office or
3. by Mail using an official Mandatory Hunter Report form.
All the details are on page 16 in the Synopsis. Anyone that purchased a Moose or Caribou species licence in 2024/2025 should read the details to ensure they do not commit an offence and lose their right to purchase licences in 2025.
Re: If you bought a moose or caribou licence you MUST REPORT
My fear with this is how they will use it to "manage" seasons in the future. From what I've heard through the grape vine is that a lot of the further limitations up north were based on number of hunting days equating to pressure on the populations, and not actually looking at harvest statistics vs carrying capacity, etc, and I fear this is another ploy to further push the hunting pressure created by licensed hunters. I think if I had bought a moose or caribou tag and was successful at moose hunting this year it would have certainly happened on the first day, and if I wasn't it's because I didn't hunt any days at all, at least that's what the report would say.
Re: If you bought a moose or caribou licence you MUST REPORT
Originally Posted by Skull Hunter
My fear with this is how they will use it to "manage" seasons in the future. From what I've heard through the grape vine is that a lot of the further limitations up north were based on number of hunting days equating to pressure on the populations, and not actually looking at harvest statistics vs carrying capacity, etc, and I fear this is another ploy to further push the hunting pressure created by licensed hunters. I think if I had bought a moose or caribou tag and was successful at moose hunting this year it would have certainly happened on the first day, and if I wasn't it's because I didn't hunt any days at all, at least that's what the report would say.
I would normally have the same concern as you on this..but, they've also stated in the past (not directly related to moose hunting) that with inadequate data, they have to restrict seasons further so in this case, they'll have a tonne of data so hopefully they don't therefore restrict the seasons further..
Re: If you bought a moose or caribou licence you MUST REPORT
Originally Posted by HarryToolips
I would normally have the same concern as you on this..but, they've also stated in the past (not directly related to moose hunting) that with inadequate data, they have to restrict seasons further so in this case, they'll have a tonne of data so hopefully they don't therefore restrict the seasons further..
Im all for obtaining as much data as possible to make sound science based wildlife management decisions. The current regime has already proven they're not in the business of following science. I'm all for further restrictions if they are supported by legitimate wildlife science, but that also goes the other way where seasons can be re-opened based on the scientific data. I don't care that Indigenous people have privileges afforded to them that resident hunters don't, until we are all mandated to report harvests the data will not be reliable.
I can't comprehend how both Indigenous peoples and both our provincial and federal governments can't see the benefits associated with mandatory collection of this data to allow Indigenous people to continue their traditional hunting rights well into the future, while also providing significant hunting opportunities to resident hunters. Why must there be so much divide when if we work together it can benefit all.