Boundary Bay - 72nd street - thanks for not crowding
I was out for an afternoon/evening sit at the end of 72nd on Oct 20th. It was unusually quiet and I had the foreshore to myself for a while.
Eventually, others did show up - the first of whole started making their way out and towards my blind but, when I got their attention by standing up, they waved, turned around and walked the other way and set up a respectable distance away.
Colour me impressed that they didn’t sit down right there, or worse, press on and get closer still to me.
If you’re on here, thanks for being a decent person! Such is a rare thing these days…
To the third person, who joined the marsh for an evening sit shortly after, and walked right through the blind/decoy set of person #2 and then posted up within 50m of them - I hope you get the clap and that your gun rusts up and ceases to function. You and your sky blasting habits are a scourge to all decent waterfowlers.
Last edited by Livewire322; 11-04-2024 at 04:40 PM.
Think, don't just have thoughts.