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Thread: Trash at 64th street Sunday Nov 3rd

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Trash at 64th street Sunday Nov 3rd

    If you were hunting by the tree trunk by the sign at 64th street on Boundary Bay yesterday morning you should be ashamed of yourself by the amount of trash you left behind. Dozens of shells, cardboard boxes, food waste. And that was just the one site. On such a dry day, no excuse for leaving all that garbage behind. You can afford to buy a box of Hevi-steel but evidently you can't buy class because only low class people will leave this site in such a state.

    We are privileged to hunt in such a beautiful spot and you just are going to wreck it for everyone.

    Whoever your parents were, they failed you by not making you pick up after yourselves. If you are reading this, you are a garbage person.

    I predict it will be shut down very soon. One day you will come to the gate and it will have a sign posted saying the site is shut down and being selfish, maybe it will come as a surprise to you. But it should not be a surprise. You did this.

  2. Site Sponsor

  3. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Trash at 64th street Sunday Nov 3rd

    Good on you for putting them on blast here.

    Sadly, I pack out all sorts of trash from the usual spots at the end of 72nd. I avoid some hides now because people that were hunting there were literally shitting there (there’s a portapotty available at the parking lot, but they’re too lazy and self entitled to walk the 200m back to it).

    Save for chirping them in person when you see it happening (yay! Who doesn’t love verbal altercations with armed people who already show disregard for basic decency), there’s little that works.
    Think, don't just have thoughts.

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