It's been crazy this season with personal stuff and I haven't had much opportunity to get out. Preseason I saw more mulie bucks than I've ever seen. 2 4x4's and at least 4 smaller guys.
I was out a couple weeks ago for bucks - nada. Couple of mulie does - and some WT does I seem to see a lot - but nary a buck where I had seen 4 together just before the opener.
I hiked a bit Thursday afternoon. I did see a few grouse which was cool. I swear one of those grouse is going to give me a heart attack some day.
Friday (yesterday), I put over 9km on the boots. I covered some new ground, found some new interesting paths, and didn't see a thing.
Today, I went out to a nice breakfast with my lady friend who told me she'd make dinner while I went out hunting and hit the door about 12:30. I hit the block where I had seen the group of bucks that included that 4x4 - nada. I hit another block where I saw a couple mulies in the distance 2 weeks ago. I hadn't seen antlers but it was worth checking out again so I hiked the long way around cut block through the woods so I could come in from a different angle. Not a thing.
Pretty disappointing.
There's a spot adjacent to where I've been hunting that I hadn't been into before. I always thought it looked promising but it's closer to civilization. The deer I was seeing seemed to always come from that direction. My plan today was to spend the last hour or so of the day over there. I would hike about 1/2 hour and then find a place to post up for sunset.
I started hiking in and yep it looked right. I could see where I think a moose had bedded down and then got onto some well travelled game trails. Lots of open space between the 7-10 year old pines, open areas, a ridge, and a nice ravine, it was pretty. I just needed a spot to sit as the sun was coming down pretty quick.
I found my ridge and just plopped down. Maybe not perfect but I could see across the little valley to the next ridge maybe 75 yards away, it was clear to my left, and I could just peek back behind me into the next little valley 'just in case'. My hopes were not high but this was a good spot.
Losing light fast, I figured it was a great night to relax and enjoy the solitude. Easy hike back to the car. My last day for a couple weeks as I have family stuff coming up. Dinner waiting for me at home. How can not getting a deer be losing?
Wouldn't you know, I see a deer come out of the deep woods on the next ridge. I didn't see antlers but it was a big bodied deer. Cool - I might get my doe after all. But, it walked with purpose, unlike most of the does I have seen. As it comes down the ridge it decides to make a beeline straight towards me! I see antlers! Now, I don't even have to consider whether it's a mulie or a WT. But, I'll be damned it's a WT buck! First one I've seen in my area.
I pass on shots twice as it's just getting closer. He's coming my way at a reasonable speed so why rush? At this point I think he's a 4 pointer (2x2) but I'm not paying attention because that's not what matters.
He pauses head on, maybe angling just a tiny bit towards my left. I'm above him with a great line of sight less than 50 yards away. It's not my favorite shot but he's calm and I don't want to risk him scenting me and spooking. I've had the cross hairs on him for a while now. Gentle squeeze, rifle barks, and he drops like a sack of potatoes.
I was surprised at his size when I walked up to him. He has paused because there was a fence I hadn't seen. He was pausing before jumping it.
He is a 10 pointer! One tine is broken off, it looks like from a fight. His antlers are all coated with wood where he's been banging and rubbing on trees. His right ear is split where he was injured in years past - completely healed up.
I can’t tell if you are trolling or what with that “10 pointer” stuff, but nice 5x4, regardless.
Probably came from the States originally or perhaps he just watches American hunting shows,,,,they count all the points on their bucks south of the border.