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Thread: Personal Best WT tonight!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Personal Best WT tonight!

    It's been crazy this season with personal stuff and I haven't had much opportunity to get out. Preseason I saw more mulie bucks than I've ever seen. 2 4x4's and at least 4 smaller guys.

    I was out a couple weeks ago for bucks - nada. Couple of mulie does - and some WT does I seem to see a lot - but nary a buck where I had seen 4 together just before the opener.

    I hiked a bit Thursday afternoon. I did see a few grouse which was cool. I swear one of those grouse is going to give me a heart attack some day.

    Friday (yesterday), I put over 9km on the boots. I covered some new ground, found some new interesting paths, and didn't see a thing.

    Today, I went out to a nice breakfast with my lady friend who told me she'd make dinner while I went out hunting and hit the door about 12:30. I hit the block where I had seen the group of bucks that included that 4x4 - nada. I hit another block where I saw a couple mulies in the distance 2 weeks ago. I hadn't seen antlers but it was worth checking out again so I hiked the long way around cut block through the woods so I could come in from a different angle. Not a thing.

    Pretty disappointing.

    There's a spot adjacent to where I've been hunting that I hadn't been into before. I always thought it looked promising but it's closer to civilization. The deer I was seeing seemed to always come from that direction. My plan today was to spend the last hour or so of the day over there. I would hike about 1/2 hour and then find a place to post up for sunset.

    I started hiking in and yep it looked right. I could see where I think a moose had bedded down and then got onto some well travelled game trails. Lots of open space between the 7-10 year old pines, open areas, a ridge, and a nice ravine, it was pretty. I just needed a spot to sit as the sun was coming down pretty quick.

    I found my ridge and just plopped down. Maybe not perfect but I could see across the little valley to the next ridge maybe 75 yards away, it was clear to my left, and I could just peek back behind me into the next little valley 'just in case'. My hopes were not high but this was a good spot.

    Losing light fast, I figured it was a great night to relax and enjoy the solitude. Easy hike back to the car. My last day for a couple weeks as I have family stuff coming up. Dinner waiting for me at home. How can not getting a deer be losing?

    Wouldn't you know, I see a deer come out of the deep woods on the next ridge. I didn't see antlers but it was a big bodied deer. Cool - I might get my doe after all. But, it walked with purpose, unlike most of the does I have seen. As it comes down the ridge it decides to make a beeline straight towards me! I see antlers! Now, I don't even have to consider whether it's a mulie or a WT. But, I'll be damned it's a WT buck! First one I've seen in my area.

    I pass on shots twice as it's just getting closer. He's coming my way at a reasonable speed so why rush? At this point I think he's a 4 pointer (2x2) but I'm not paying attention because that's not what matters.

    He pauses head on, maybe angling just a tiny bit towards my left. I'm above him with a great line of sight less than 50 yards away. It's not my favorite shot but he's calm and I don't want to risk him scenting me and spooking. I've had the cross hairs on him for a while now. Gentle squeeze, rifle barks, and he drops like a sack of potatoes.

    I was surprised at his size when I walked up to him. He has paused because there was a fence I hadn't seen. He was pausing before jumping it.

    He is a 10 pointer! One tine is broken off, it looks like from a fight. His antlers are all coated with wood where he's been banging and rubbing on trees. His right ear is split where he was injured in years past - completely healed up.

    By far my personal best deer.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Whitetail buck 1.jpg 
Views:	838 
Size:	63.5 KB 
ID:	9665   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Whitetail 2.jpg 
Views:	849 
Size:	91.3 KB 
ID:	9666  

  2. Site Sponsor

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Personal Best WT tonight!

    Right on! Good job!

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Personal Best WT tonight!

    Way to go and congrats, his neck looks a little swollen as well.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Peace Country

    Re: Personal Best WT tonight!

    Nice 5 pointer, good job

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    skeena river valley

    Re: Personal Best WT tonight!

    Congrats, nice buck.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: Personal Best WT tonight!

    Sometimes it happens like that. But only, when you are out there. Not while you're at home.
    Nice curve to those antlers, on that 5 point.

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Personal Best WT tonight!

    Solid buck, nice way to end a good day like that!
    The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low price has faded from memory

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Northern BC

    Re: Personal Best WT tonight!

    I can’t tell if you are trolling or what with that “10 pointer” stuff, but nice 5x4, regardless.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Re: Personal Best WT tonight!

    Nice PB, congrats
    good tactics too, that sitting and watching stuff
    Glad to say I have hunted Northern BC

    Simon Fraser had pretty good judgement on what he found in BC

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    central saanich

    Re: Personal Best WT tonight!

    well done, I 'm assuming that you were late for dinner.

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