Called in a couple with a grunt tube, last one was quite cool. Spotted a decent 4 point with a group of 8 does and fawns from about a km away. Wide open so ran at them trying to stay behind a couple small pines. Does saw me and spooked into the near by timber and buck followed. I got to 150 years of where they went in and started on my buck grunt, scraped a couple branches on a small pine and low and behold out comes the buck wanting to challenge me. The wind was coming toward me and I guess they didn't know exactly what I was. He stood there and I was able to drop him.
Other than that I called one in, in a thick pine block that had fresh rubs and stunk of rutting buck. I went in, found a trail and started to bang a set of antlers together, scraped some trees and antlers again. Sat silent for a minute, more antlers and I heard a crack, a couple seconds later a nice 3*4 came trotting in down the trail 20 yards away. He was quite surprised to see me pointing a .280 at him and didn't have time to turn before I let one fly