Re: Grouse gun?

Originally Posted by
Arctic Lake
I have various .22 ‘s but I would like a I think a 20 gauge .
From what most say .410 is hard to find and expensive ,that’s a question ? LOL
Arctic Lake
I don’t really worry about the cost of grouse ammo. I’ve been out lots of days and I probably haven’t burned through $50 all year. Even if it’s a dollar a trigger pull it’ll still be the cheapest part of your day.
Maybe somebody else can chime in because I’m not really sure, but 410 with 7.5 shot on flying birds doesn’t seem to damage meat because of the distance they tend to be at in flight and i shoot them in the head if they’re stuck on a tree branch. That being said I tookk three different shots on some ptarmigan about a week ago and didn’t take any home. Will a 20 gauge with 7.5 shot just throw a bigger pattern and do the same damage to meat? Or bigger gauge equal more meat damage? I shot one with my 16 gauge last week and destroyed the breast. I’m sticking with .410” for now. Theres a cheap stevens sxs on cgn for $400ish right now that I’m thinking about getting.
Last edited by Bustercluck; 12-22-2024 at 02:42 PM.
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