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Thread: Grouse gun?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Grouse gun?

    Do you guys have any suggestions on used double guns for chasing grouse? I’d like to pick up a few different style inexpensive used guns to see what suits me. I really have no idea what I’m looking for so anything I can read up about would be great. It looks like some cock when you close the action and some have one trigger and others have two. Or anything to stay away from. I’m looking for fit and features to see what works well for me and I know what to look for instead of just buying something expensive that I’d be wasting money on.

    I was thinking sub $1000 or so. I’d like to stay with .410” or 28 gauge.
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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Northern BC

    Re: Grouse gun?

    If you can find an older (used) better quality one, Savage over/under .22/410 are hard to beat, IMO

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Northern BC

    Re: Grouse gun?

    Stevens and Charles Daly make inexpensive doubles (think it was Stevens or Savage at any rate). I bought my kid a Daly in 410 a couple years ago as it was $250 cheaper than the others. Single trigger, barrel selector, tang safety. Was about $650 I think.

    Nice gun, easy to point and fast on rising birds. Lock up is still quite stiff though. The other two were both smoother in that regard. I had thought that it would smooth up with use, but it hasn’t changed much. I wish I’d gone with the Stevens as it had the same features, just a bit better finish on the moving parts.
    The one we have is nice, just looking back 2 years later that $250 would have been well spent now.

    Definitely go single trigger though. Double triggers are tough to get used to after a lifetime of a single trigger.

    And I definitely wish I’d gone 28. Ammo cost is a wash, and everywhere had 28 gauge shells when you couldn’t buy a 410 shell to save your life. Plus a bit more payload in the air.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Grouse gun?

    20 gauge are cheaper to shoot and also to purchase as they are a lot more common for a side by side. Single vs double triggers is a wash,You will get used to what you get and it never hurts to learn something new. There are more options if you don't limit yourself to one or the other. Shopping for a new shotgun is fun just look at every option out there and try as many as you can.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Grouse gun?

    Quote Originally Posted by justachip View Post
    20 gauge are cheaper to shoot and also to purchase as they are a lot more common for a side by side. Single vs double triggers is a wash,You will get used to what you get and it never hurts to learn something new. There are more options if you don't limit yourself to one or the other. Shopping for a new shotgun is fun just look at every option out there and try as many as you can.
    Yeah, that’s what I’m trying to do, try a few out. The beretta s55 has come up on my radar and seems reasonably priced for an older shotgun that’s probably still decent quality. I know there’s places you can go to get fitted for a shotgun and test patterns etc, but I’m definitely not there as a hunter yet. I’ll get there someday, but I’m a ways from that.
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  7. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Re: Grouse gun?

    different solutions for different types of grouse hunting

    Have used a 22 for 90% of my style, the other 10 is when carrying a shotgun and sometimes using its advantage to send a load of pellets through the weeds and brush for a kill shot
    Have never hunted chukars where wing shooting is the way and a proper uplands double would do it right

    the only double I'd consider for my grousing is a 30-30/20 combo, hate to pass up on a buck opportunity
    Glad to say I have hunted Northern BC

    Simon Fraser had pretty good judgement on what he found in BC

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Grouse gun?

    I’m hunting with a dog so the 22 probably isn’t the best option. The last time I was out I did a bit of wing shooting because he’s flushing more than he’s pointing and it was probably the most fun I’ve ever had hunting. I’m realizing the browning bps I have isn’t that great for this stuff.

    I’m probably going to give up on most of my big game stuff to chase birds in the coming years.
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  9. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Grouse gun?

    I have a cz huglu 20 gauge sxs that I really like for upland hunting and its been reliable, I got used and hunt and shoot clays with it I've put over a 1000 rounds through it. There's lots of other options from a old Steven's 311 to a browning or berretta.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: Grouse gun?

    Have a look also at the Tristar o/u shotguns in 20 ga. Quite a few dealers in Canada. Buddy bought one and loves it. Get one with replaceable chokes if you can. You want a more open choke, ie improved, if you are wingshooting upland birds with a dog. Think shorter barrels, light weight, and balance for carrying and faster handling.
    I love my Browning Citori Upland Specials in 20 ga and 12 ga. The 12 ga is mostly used for pheasants and further flushing birds late in the season. The 20 ga is for everything else upland.
    CGN regularly lists used over/under shotguns for sale. It's always best if you can handle a shotgun and check for fit before you buy.
    I prefer a single trigger for sure.
    Last edited by huntingfamily; 10-23-2024 at 11:52 AM.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Grouse gun?

    I think I’m going to grab one of these to play with. It’s not really what I’m looking for but the price is right and I can try some different choke setups. I’m sure this is going to be a long road or trying different things.

    Revolution armoury.

    I was chatting with a guy I shoot with on a regular basis and he offered to light load some 12g for me too. He pointed me to Intershrplus for some deals.

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