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Thread: Grouse gun?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Williams Lake, BC Canada

    Re: Grouse gun?

    hmmm used a Baikail ..Russian 20g....traded it in and got 22 Remington...short barrel...heavy barrel feel safer around moving dog...the semi auto makes finding numerous birds fun..up graded the trigger incredibly smooth/reliable.
    added a new Leupold scope and had Korth industries set the best optic range to 50 yards...exceptionally clear glass....had the time to try LOTS of ammo... Aquila was a good shooter and favorite.
    this short accurate gentle shooter also doubles up as a bunny banger...

    after getting it set up.....its up for sale due to health...and fits your criteria of inexpensive used..
    my take on a pleasant enjoyable hunting activity.
    good luck


  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2022

    Re: Grouse gun?

    Might want to have a look at the Yildiz or a CZ,both are on the inexpensive side and can be had used on GP.
    There is a CZ Bobwhite sxs 20G on there now for $1000

  3. #33
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Re: Grouse gun?

    I was in your situation a couple years ago. Wanted a sxs double of some kind as well to hunt grouse over my dog. I had intended on getting a 20 Ga, however the availability and cost of a 12 Ga. was much better. And, a little more lead in the air helps account for aging eyes and tough chukars.

    I lucked into a BRNO ZP 49 on Gun Post for $900... serial # puts it as 1974 and it is mint. Looks like it was never fired, let alone hunted.

    Absolutely love it. True side lock and the fit/finish on it are as good as many much higher priced makes. The metal work is plain, not ornate which is my strong preference. My snobbish Beretta friends don't see the beauty, but every one of my Czech friends fondle it and offer to take it home.
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    "We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one." -Confucius

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Grouse gun?

    I have various .22 ‘s but I think I would like a 20 gauge .
    From what most say .410 is hard to find and expensive ,that’s a question ? LOL
    Arctic Lake
    Last edited by Arctic Lake; 12-25-2024 at 04:24 PM. Reason: grammar
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  5. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Grouse gun?

    Quote Originally Posted by Arctic Lake View Post
    I have various .22 ‘s but I would like a I think a 20 gauge .
    From what most say .410 is hard to find and expensive ,that’s a question ? LOL
    Arctic Lake
    I don’t really worry about the cost of grouse ammo. I’ve been out lots of days and I probably haven’t burned through $50 all year. Even if it’s a dollar a trigger pull it’ll still be the cheapest part of your day.

    Maybe somebody else can chime in because I’m not really sure, but 410 with 7.5 shot on flying birds doesn’t seem to damage meat because of the distance they tend to be at in flight and i shoot them in the head if they’re stuck on a tree branch. That being said I tookk three different shots on some ptarmigan about a week ago and didn’t take any home. Will a 20 gauge with 7.5 shot just throw a bigger pattern and do the same damage to meat? Or bigger gauge equal more meat damage? I shot one with my 16 gauge last week and destroyed the breast. I’m sticking with .410” for now. Theres a cheap stevens sxs on cgn for $400ish right now that I’m thinking about getting.
    Last edited by Bustercluck; 12-22-2024 at 02:42 PM.
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  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Grouse gun?

    Would be good to hear from others as you suggested !
    Arcic Lake
    Quote Originally Posted by Bustercluck View Post
    I don’t really worry about the cost of grouse ammo. I’ve been out lots of days and I probably haven’t burned through $50 all year. Even if it’s a dollar a trigger pull it’ll still be the cheapest part of your day.

    Maybe somebody else can chime in because I’m not really sure, but 410 with 7.5 shot on flying birds doesn’t seem to damage meat because of the distance they tend to be at in flight and i shoot them in the head if they’re stuck on a tree branch. That being said I tookk three different shots on some ptarmigan about a week ago and didn’t take any home. Will a 20 gauge with 7.5 shot just throw a bigger pattern and do the same damage to meat? Or bigger gauge equal more meat damage? I shot one with my 16 gauge last week and destroyed the breast. I’m sticking with .410” for now. Theres a cheap stevens sxs on cgn for $400ish right now that I’m thinking about getting.
    Last edited by Arctic Lake; 12-25-2024 at 04:24 PM. Reason: Spelling
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  7. #37
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Grouse gun?

    You'd be styling with an over and under 16 gauge. That, and it's a classy pheasant gun that would out class both the 12 and 20, IMHO.
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  8. #38
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Grouse gun?

    It's a real bitch to get ammo for a 16 ga. and pricey as hell so if you decide to go that route you may want to think about loading your own.
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  9. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Re: Grouse gun?

    i use a 12 gauge with 7 1/2 shot. hit my limit this year. dont get too close though. 20-30 yards i found worked nicely.

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